Card Games Utils is a comprehensive utility package designed to streamline the implementation of various card games, such as TeenPatti and Rummy. Our package offers a range of helpful methods and tools to facilitate the development of game logic for these popular card games.
At present, Card Games Utils features a TeenPatti game logic and Rummy game logic implementation. other games like POKER will be added soon.
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npm i card-games-utils
The StandardCard class represents a standard playing card. It has the following properties:
: The name of the card.color
: The color of the card.rank
: The rank of the card.suite
: The suite of the card.number
: The number value of the card.
This class is used to represent a real card in the real world, and it is returned by most of the methods in the package, either as an array or as an individual element.
By utilizing the StandardCard
class, you can work with playing cards in a standardized and convenient manner.
is a class to work with StandardCard interface. -
it has several methods that will help you use the StandardCard as you do in real word.
here are the methods inside this Class:
: this will return an array of StandardCard containing each unique card that we usually have in 1 deck of 52 cards
import { StandardDeck } from 'card-games-utils' let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck() //print the first card of the array, it will alway be the Ace of Clubs console.log(cardDeck[0])
: this will return the suite of the given card name, the suite will be likeCLUBS
import { StandardDeck } from 'card-games-utils' let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck() console.log(StandardDeck.getSuite(cardDeck[0].name)) //logs CLUBS
: this will return the Colour of the given card name, the Colour will be eitherRED
import { StandardDeck } from 'card-games-utils' let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck() console.log(StandardDeck.getColor(cardDeck[0].name)) //logs BLACK
: this will return the Rank of the given card name, the Rank could beACE
and alsoJACK
import { StandardDeck } from 'card-games-utils' let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck() console.log(StandardDeck.getColor(cardDeck[0].name)) //logs ACE
: this will return the Number of the given card name, the Number could be between 1 to 13 based on card(Ace will be 1 and King will be 13)
import { StandardDeck } from 'card-games-utils' let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck() console.log(StandardDeck.getNumber(cardDeck[0].name)) //logs 1
CardDeck is the class to perform normal operations on any kind of Deck of cards.
this is not limited to TeenPatti but it can be used in any other game modules that has some kind of card (like Rummy, Poker etc)
here are the methods inside this Class:
: this will shuffle the cards into random order.
import { StandardDeck, CardDeck } from 'card-games-utils' let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck() console.log(CardDeck.shuffleCards(cardDeck)) //logs the array of card in random order
: this will Distribute the specified number of cards per player to given number of players.- you need to parse some parameters like
number of players
and how many cards you want perplayer
. it has has 1 optional parameter that will decide how the cards should be distributed among the player - it can either give all card to 1 player first or it can give 1 card to 1 player and repeat it until all player has the enough cards(it's called dealing around)
- it will return array of 2 elements, first will be the array of distributed cards for each player, and other will be the the array cards remaining after distributing it.
- you need to parse some parameters like
import { StandardDeck, CardDeck } from 'card-games-utils' let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck() //logs the array of distributed cards for each player console.log(CardDeck.distributeCards(cardDeck, 3, 3, true)[0])
StandardCardHelper is a class to help you with StandardCard interface.
It has several helper methods that's getting used at multiple places in whole package.
you can also use any helper methods as you see fit.
here are some helper methods in it:
: it will generate the StandardCard object for given card name.- here in example below, we pass the name of card from StandardDeckEnum, and it returns the StandardCard object.
import { StandardCardHelper, StandardCardName } from 'card-games-utils' let card = StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE) //logs the card with all info like color, number, rank etc. console.log(card)
: it will sort the given Array of Card in ascending order of it's number- here in example below, we pass the array of 4 cards in sortCards method and it will return those cards in proper ascending order.
import { StandardCardHelper, StandardCardName } from 'card-games-utils' let cards = [ StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_FOUR), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_TWO), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_THREE), ] //logs the sorted array console.log(StandardCardHelper.sortCards(cards))
: it will check on the given Array of Card that does all cards have same suite or not- here in example below, we first pass the array of 4 cards with same suite and then 4 cards from different suites. the helper method will return Boolean to indicate that suite is same or not
- there is 1 more method called
that does the same thing just instead of suites, it checks for numbers.
import { StandardCardHelper, StandardCardName } from 'card-games-utils' let cards = [ StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_FOUR), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_TWO), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_THREE), ] //logs true console.log(StandardCardHelper.hasSameSuite(cards)) cards = [ StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_FOUR), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_EIGHT), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_THREE), ] //logs false console.log(StandardCardHelper.hasSameSuite(cards))
: it will check is there is any pair of cards with same suite in the given array.- here in example below, we first pass the cards with all different suites and then pass the cards that has 1 pair of same suite. the helper method will return Boolean to indicate that there is any pair of suite exist or not.
- there is 1 more method called
that does the same thing just instead of suites, it checks for numbers.
import { StandardCardHelper, StandardCardName } from 'card-games-utils' let cards = [ StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.HEARTS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_ACE), ] //logs false console.log(StandardCardHelper.hasPairSuite(cards)) cards = [ StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_FOUR), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_EIGHT), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.HEARTS_ACE), ] //logs true console.log(StandardCardHelper.hasPairSuite(cards))
- here is 1 basic example of how you can use
to implement TeenPatti game's logic - here we play the game between 3 players and log the result in console
import { CardDeck, StandardDeck, TeenPatti } from 'card-games-utils'
//get the card deck(52 card)
let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck()
//shuffle the cards
cardDeck = CardDeck.shuffleCards(cardDeck)
//distribute the 3 cards into 3 different players
let distributedCards = CardDeck.distributeCards(cardDeck, 3, 3, true)[0]
//making hands for each player
let playerOneHand = TeenPatti.makeHand(distributedCards[0])
let playerTwoHand = TeenPatti.makeHand(distributedCards[1])
let playerThreeHand = TeenPatti.makeHand(distributedCards[2])
//assigning each player a name for easiness = 'Johns' = 'Alex' = 'Sam'
//logging some data about which player has which kind of hand(you can log the whole player variable if you want)
console.log(`${} has ${playerOneHand.hand} hand`)
console.log(`${} has ${playerTwoHand.hand} hand`)
console.log(`${} has ${playerThreeHand.hand} hand`)
//making players array
let players = [playerOneHand, playerTwoHand, playerThreeHand]
//calculating the winner between the 3 players
let winnerIndexes = TeenPatti.calculateWinners(players)
//checking if we have 1 winner or it's a TIE
if (winnerIndexes.length == 1) {
console.log(`the winner is ${players[winnerIndexes[0]].name}`)
} else {
console.log('there is tie, winners are:')
winnerIndexes.forEach((winnerIndex) => {
The Hand
represents a hand in Teen Patti, which is a combination of three standard playing cards. It is defined in the Hand interface.
A Hand
object has the following properties:
: An array of three StandardCard objects that make up the hand.hand
: A string indicating the type of hand, such asTRAIL
, and so on. This property represents the classification of the hand according to the rules of Teen Patti.
The Hand
is used to represent the real-world hand of cards in the Teen Patti game. It allows you to store and manipulate the cards within a hand, as well as determine the type of hand it represents based on the rules of the game.
TeenPatti is the class to perform the operations that a normal TeenPatti game needs
here are the methods inside this Class:
: it will Calculates the Teen Patti hand based on an array of three cards.- since TeenPatti hand should have 3 card, this methods only focus on first 3 element of given array.
import { StandardDeck, CardDeck, TeenPatti } from 'card-games-utils' let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck() //logs PURE_SEQUENCE since it's first 3 cards of deck. console.log(TeenPatti.calculateHand([cardDeck[0], cardDeck[1], cardDeck[2]]))
: it will convert the given array of 3 cards into Hand interface.- since TeenPatti hand should have 3 card, this methods only focus on first 3 element of given array.
import { StandardDeck, CardDeck, TeenPatti } from 'card-games-utils' let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck() //logs the Hand interface's info console.log(TeenPatti.makeHand([cardDeck[0], cardDeck[1], cardDeck[2]]))
: it will Calculates the winner from the given array of Hands.- each hands will belongs to a player and it will return the index of winner hand(player) in an Array
- there can be a case where the TIE happens, means 2 or more players have cards with same value(ranking), in this case the returning array will have more then 1 index of winners.
import { StandardDeck, TeenPatti } from 'card-games-utils' let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck() //logs [0] since it's the highest of hands given console.log( TeenPatti.calculateWinners([ TeenPatti.makeHand([cardDeck[0], cardDeck[1], cardDeck[2]]), TeenPatti.makeHand([cardDeck[3], cardDeck[4], cardDeck[5]]), TeenPatti.makeHand([cardDeck[6], cardDeck[7], cardDeck[8]]), ]) )
: it will Calculates the higher ranking hand from given hands- it takes 2 hands as parameter and return true is first hand is ranked higher then second one, else it will return false
- there can be a case where the TIE happens, means 2 or more players have cards with same value(ranking), in this case the returning array will have more then 1 index of winners.
import { StandardDeck, TeenPatti } from 'card-games-utils' let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck() //logs true since first card-hand is higher then other console.log( TeenPatti.isRankHigher( TeenPatti.makeHand([cardDeck[0], cardDeck[1], cardDeck[2]]), TeenPatti.makeHand([cardDeck[3], cardDeck[4], cardDeck[5]]) ) )
- keep in mind that package provide only logical part of games, you still need to handle the user's card manipulation
- there can be many variations of Rummy game, this package allows you configure the rules before starting the game
- there some rules that will stay same for any variation of rummy, specially for deciding the valid SET, SEQUENCE and PURE_SEQUENCE. those fixed rules are given below:
: set needs to have at least 3 cards in it.- JOKER/WILD-CARD is allowed in the SET
- At least 1 card needs to be a normal card(no JOKER/WILD-CARD)
- cards in
must have same rank(number) - cards in
must have different suites(except JOKER/WILD-CARD) - cards count can not be more then 4 and less then 3.
: sequence needs to have at least 3 cards in it- JOKER/WILD-CARD is allowed in the SEQUENCE
- At least 2 cards needs to be a normal cards(no JOKER/WILD-CARD)
- cards in
must have same suites(except JOKER/WILD-CARD) - cards in
must be in sequence(except JOKER/WILD-CARD)(Q-K-A is also valid) - no limit on cards count/length
: pure-sequence needs to have at least 3 cards in it- JOKER/WILD-CARD is
allowed in the PURE-SEQUENCE - cards in
must have same suites - cards in
must be in sequence(Q-K-A is also valid) - no limit on cards count/length
import { CardDeck, Rummy, StandardDeck } from 'card-games-utils'
//get the card deck(52 card) - you can merge 2 deck if you want more cards
//adding the joker card in deck by passing true as a parameter
let cardDeck = StandardDeck.getStandardDeck(true)
//shuffle the cards
cardDeck = CardDeck.shuffleCards(cardDeck)
//distribute the 9 cards into 3 different players - you can change it based on your requirement
let distributedCardsSet = CardDeck.distributeCards(cardDeck, 3, 9, true)
//taking the distributed cards array into separate variable
let distributedCards = distributedCardsSet[0]
//taking the remaining cards from deck into another array
let remainingCards = distributedCardsSet[1]
//taking 1 card from remaining deck and setting it as a WildCard
let wildCard = remainingCards.pop()
//making the rummy config all the desired rules
const rummyConfig = Rummy.makeRummyConfig(true, true, true, true, true, 9)
//creating new instance of Rummy with desired rules
const rummyGame = new Rummy(rummyConfig)
//making melds for each player - you can define the groups any way you want
let playerOneMeld = rummyGame.makeMeld(distributedCards[0], [
[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8],
let playerTwoMeld = rummyGame.makeMeld(distributedCards[1], [
[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8],
let playerThreeMeld = rummyGame.makeMeld(distributedCards[2], [
[0, 1, 2],
[3, 4, 5],
[6, 7, 8],
//assigning each player a name for easiness = 'Johns' = 'Alex' = 'Sam'
// you can change any groups or any player here or add/remove any cards from them in order to make a proper meld that can be declare
//making players array
let players = [playerOneMeld, playerTwoMeld, playerThreeMeld]
//checking if any player's meld is ready to declare - with wildcard
let isPlayerDeclared = false
players.forEach((playerMeld, index) => {
if (rummyGame.isReadyToDeclare(playerMeld, {
console.log(`player ${players[index].name} has declared and won`)
isPlayerDeclared = true
//if not player is ready to declare, then logging each players points
if (!isPlayerDeclared) {
console.log(`no player is ready to declare`)
players.forEach((playerMeld, index) => {
`player ${players[index].name} has ${
} points`
The RummyConfig
is used to define the rules for the rummy game, it is defined in the RummyConfig interface.
A RummyConfig
object has the following properties:
: A Boolean indicating that isset
group of cards is required for any meld to be able to declareisSequenceRequired
: A Boolean indicating that issequence
group of cards is required for any meld to be able to declareisPureSequenceRequired
: A Boolean indicating that ispure-sequence
group of cards is required for any meld to be able to declareisJokerAllowed
: A Boolean indicating that is JOKER type of card is allowed in game or not.isWildAllowed
: A Boolean indicating that is WILD-CARD is allowed in game or not.numCardsPerMeld
: the number of cards allowed in 1 meld
The RummyDeclareCheck
is used to decide weather player's cards are valid and ready to declare or not. it is defined in the RummyDeclareCheck interface.
this interface is returned by most of the methods in Rummy
A RummyDeclareCheck
object has the following properties:
: A Boolean indicating that is the player's cards valid or not.points
: number of points the player's cards are holding.error
: the string indicating the problem that makes the cards inValid.
The Meld
represents a meld in Teen Patti, which is a combination of standard playing cards. It is defined in the Meld interface.
A Meld
object has the following properties:
: An array of StandardCard objects that make up the Meld.groups
: A Multidimensional array dividing the cards array into different groups by it's indexes. this different group of indexes is used to make different set(like Sequence, pure Sequence).
The Meld
is used to represent the real-world meld of cards in the Rummy game. It allows you to store and manipulate the cards within a meld, you can change the position of card just by changing it from group array and also transfer it into different group and you can also add/remove card from the cards
array just like the real-word Rummy game.
Rummy is the class to perform the operations that a normal Rummy game needs
here are the methods inside this Class:
: this will return the meld object from the given array of card and groups of index- it takes 2 parameters, first is the array of cards which represent the real-world cards and second is the multidimensional array that determines the different groups among that array of cards
- once that
is created, you can change any card from the array and also update the groups array in order to prepare the meld for declare.
import { Rummy, StandardCardHelper, StandardCardName } from 'card-games-utils' const rummyConfig = Rummy.makeRummyConfig(true, true, true, true, true, 9) const rummyGame = new Rummy(rummyConfig) let meld = rummyGame.makeMeld( [ //SET StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.HEARTS_ACE), //SEQUENCE StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_FIVE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_SIX), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.HEARTS_SEVEN), //PURE SEQUENCE StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_FIVE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_SIX), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_SEVEN), ], [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], ] ) //changing the 3rd card from the cards arrays[2] = StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_ACE) //replacing the 0th and 2nd index of the 2nd group of groups variable let tempIndex = meld.groups[1][0] meld.groups[1][0] = meld.groups[1][2] meld.groups[1][2] = tempIndex //logs the meld with updated values console.log(meld)
: this will return the multidimensional array of StandardCard[][] that's generated from the cards and groups array from the given meld- it takes meld object as parameter and generate the StandardCard[][] array according to meld's cards and returns it
import { Rummy, StandardCardHelper, StandardCardName } from 'card-games-utils' const rummyConfig = Rummy.makeRummyConfig(true, true, true, true, true, 9) const rummyGame = new Rummy(rummyConfig) let meld = rummyGame.makeMeld( [ //SET StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.HEARTS_ACE), //SEQUENCE StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_FIVE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_SIX), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.HEARTS_SEVEN), //PURE SEQUENCE StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_FIVE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_SIX), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_SEVEN), ], [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], ] ) //prints the array of card divided into 3 parts based on groups array of meld console.log(rummyGame.getCardGroup(meld))
: this will rearrange the groups from given meld to separate all the cards from same suite into separate group -
it takes meld object as parameter and rearrange it's groups and return that meld
the new group of meld will have 5 elements(each element for 1 suite like CLUB, HEART, SPADES etc and 1 for JOKER)
import { Rummy, StandardCardHelper, StandardCardName } from 'card-games-utils' const rummyConfig = Rummy.makeRummyConfig(true, true, true, true, true, 9) const rummyGame = new Rummy(rummyConfig) let meld = rummyGame.makeMeld( [ //SET StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.HEARTS_ACE), //SEQUENCE StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_FIVE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_SIX), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.HEARTS_SEVEN), //PURE SEQUENCE StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_FIVE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_SIX), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_SEVEN), ], [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], ] ) //logs the RummyDeclareCheck object console.log(rummyGame.isReadyToDeclare(meld))
: this method checks is the given cards are in sequence.- it takes cards array(StandardCard[]) and also 1 more optional parameter of
that's the name of wildCard that will considered as JOKER if needed. - the if the cards array contains real joker then that would be considered too.
import { Rummy, StandardCardHelper, StandardCardName } from 'card-games-utils' const rummyConfig = Rummy.makeRummyConfig(true, true, true, true, true, 9) const rummyGame = new Rummy(rummyConfig) let cards = [ StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_TWO), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_FIVE), ] //logs RummyDeclareCheck object as false(since this cards are not in sequence) console.log(rummyGame.isInSequence(cards)) cards = [ StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_TWO), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_FIVE), ] //logs RummyDeclareCheck object as true(since CLUBS_FIVE is used as wild card) console.log(rummyGame.isInSequence(cards, StandardCardName.CLUBS_FIVE)) cards = [ StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.JOKER), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_FIVE), ] //logs RummyDeclareCheck object as false(since at least 2 normal card is required for sequence) console.log(rummyGame.isInSequence(cards, StandardCardName.CLUBS_FIVE))
: this method checks is the given cards are in pure sequence.- it takes cards array(StandardCard[]) and since it's pure sequence, any JOKER or wildcard wont work here, it needs to be PURE sequence
import { Rummy, StandardCardHelper, StandardCardName } from 'card-games-utils' const rummyConfig = Rummy.makeRummyConfig(true, true, true, true, true, 9) const rummyGame = new Rummy(rummyConfig) let cards = [ StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_TWO), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_THREE), ] //logs RummyDeclareCheck object as true since the cards are in pur sequence console.log(rummyGame.isInPureSequence(cards))
: this method checks is the given cards are in SET.- it takes cards array(StandardCard[]) and also 1 more optional parameter of
that's the name of wildCard that will considered as JOKER if needed.
import { Rummy, StandardCardHelper, StandardCardName } from 'card-games-utils' const rummyConfig = Rummy.makeRummyConfig(true, true, true, true, true, 9) const rummyGame = new Rummy(rummyConfig) let cards = [ StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_ACE), ] //logs RummyDeclareCheck object as true console.log(rummyGame.isInSet(cards))
: decide if given meld is ready to declare. it just check in all the groups from meld and if it satisfied the requirement with the configured rules then is returnsRummyDeclareCheck
object as true, otherwise it returns false.- if takes
as the first parameter and aWildCard
as second parameter. thisWildCard
is to make aSET
with that wild-card - it returns the
indicating that is this meld ready for declaring or not, thus deciding this is a winner or not. - the logic is based on the other 3 functions explained above.
import { Rummy, StandardCardHelper, StandardCardName } from 'card-games-utils' const rummyConfig = Rummy.makeRummyConfig(true, true, true, true, true, 9) const rummyGame = new Rummy(rummyConfig) const meld = rummyGame.makeMeld( [ // SET StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_ACE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.HEARTS_ACE), // SEQUENCE StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_FIVE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_THREE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.CLUBS_SEVEN), // PURE SEQUENCE StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_FIVE), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_SIX), StandardCardHelper.makeStandardCard(StandardCardName.SPADES_SEVEN), ], [ [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], ] ) //logs RummyDeclareCheck object as true. console.log(rummyGame.isReadyToDeclare(meld, StandardCardName.DIAMONDS_THREE))