A Rails captcha gem that attempts to determine whether or not a user is human.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'captchah'
And execute:
$ bundle
ImageMagick or GraphicsMagick command-line tool has to be installed. You can check if you have it installed by running:
$ convert -version
gem 'rails', '~> 5'
gem 'mini_magick', '~> 4.0'
Include the Captchah module into your controller. Example:
class YourController < ApplicationController
include Captchah
Add the captchah_tag form helper to your form. Note, only 1 captchah_tag per form is allowed. Example:
<%= form_tag('/your-path') do %>
<%= captchah_tag %>
Note, the gem uses the 'Verdana' font to create the puzzle image. If the font is missing from your system, please install it, or specify a different one as the 'puzzle_font' argument shown below. To see what fonts are available to ImageMagick, you can run:
$ convert -list font
Once a user submits your form, you can verify if they have typed in the correct characters by calling the verify_captchah method inside your controller. Example:
class YourController < ApplicationController
include Captchah
def create
redirect_to('/your-path') unless verify_captchah == :valid
The captchah_tag form helper accepts the following arguments:
id: 'unique-id', # String value Default: (automatically generated)
difficulty: 3, # Integer value between 1 and 5 Default: 3
expiry: 10.minutes, # ActiveSupport::Duration object Default: 10.minutes
width: 140, # Integer value Default: 140(pixels)
action_label: 'Type...', # String value Default: 'Type the letters you see:'
reload_label: 'Reload', # String value Default: 'Reload'
reload_max: 5, # Integer value Default: 5
reload: true, # Boolean value Default: true
css: true, # Boolean value Default: true
csp_nonce: 'csp-id', # String value Default: nil
required: true, # Boolean value Default: false
puzzle_font: 'Verdana' # String value Default: 'Verdana'
The verify_captchah method returns the following statuses:
:valid # The user has typed in the correct characters.
:invalid # The user has not typed in the correct characters.
:expired # The captcha has expired.
:no_params # params[:captchah] is empty.
$ bundle exec rspec
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/evgeniradev/captchah.
Captchah is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.