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Final Fantasy V Disassembly

This is a disassembly of Final Fantasy V for the Super Famicom/SNES. It is a work in progress which aims to build the following ROMs:

  • Final Fantasy V 1.0 (J), CRC32: 0xC1BC267D
  • Final Fantasy V 1.10 (RPGe), CRC32: 0x17444605

I'm happy to give access to this repo to anyone interested in contributing.


Below is a minimal list of dependencies needed to build this project. Adding tools or functionality which require additional dependencies should be avoided if possible.

Here is a very nice tutorial explaining how to set up Cygwin and cc65 on a Windows machine:

Project roadmap

This repo currently contains a barebones set of files which build a mostly empty ROM file. The project will go through the stages below in order to ultimately produce a ROM which matches the original game byte-for-byte.

IMPORTANT: Fair use privilege allows assembly files to be added to a public repo even if they produce copyrighted material when assembled. However, raw copyrighted material should never be added to the repo. All such copyrighted assets must be extracted from an original ROM. This includes raw graphics, text, and other game data files.

Stage 1

All 65c816 and SPC-700 machine code is converted into assembly files that can be assembled back into the original machine code. It is not necessary to add descriptive labels or for the code to be relocateable at this stage.

The work can be split up into program "modules" that can be worked on individually:

  • Field/world module (bank C0)
  • Battle graphics module (bank C1 and D9)
  • Battle module (C2/0000-C2/9FFF)
  • Menu module (C2/A000-C2/FFFF and bank D0)
  • Cutscene module (bank C3)
  • Sound module (bank C4), includes SPC code and music/sfx scripts
  • RPGe translation code (bank E0)

Stage 2

Add labels to assembly code to allow for code insertions/deletions and relocation.

Start to add descriptive names for labels and constant values (e.g. subroutines like DrawNPC or constants like STATUS::POISON).

Stage 3

Add tools to extract all game data/assets from an original ROM and include everything into the assembly. Most assets will be included in the appropriate code modules above, but a few additional modules will be added for more complex game data:

  • Text module
  • Graphics module (includes all graphics, palettes, and tilemaps)
  • Event script module (banks C8 and C9)

When this stage is complete the project will produce a fully matching ROM.

Stage 4

Add RAM definitions for each module so that variables can be inserted and deleted.

Continue cleaning up code and data for improved readability.

Potentially create editor tools to modify the more complex game data like maps/triggers and battle animations.


The conventions below are not required, especially in cases where existing code is being added to the project, but should be followed as much as possible to keep the project organized and easy to follow.

The Apple II DeskTop project has some nice ca65 coding style conventions here ( although I'm not sure how strictly I would want to follow them.

File Formats, Names, and Extensions

Assembly files have the extension .asm. This should include all files that output bytes when assembled. In most cases, assembly files should only be assembled once. The only exception is when the ROM contains multiple identical copies of the same subroutine or data.

Include files have the extension .inc. These files can be included multiple times and should not output any bytes to the assembler or reserve any memory addresses. Examples include macro definitions, hardware address definitions, and definitions of constant expressions. Include files should begin with an include guard to ensure that they are not included more than once.

Native graphics files should have an extension which describes the graphics format such as .4bpp for 4 bits per pixel SNES graphics. SNES Palette files (BGR555 format) should have the extension .pal. Screen tilemap files should have the extension .scr.

Other binary data files can have any reasonable extension. I usually use .dat if I can't think of anything better.

Compressed data files should have the same filename and extension as their uncompressed counterpart with an appropriate extension added at the end (e.g. image.cgx.lz is the compressed version of image.cgx in the same directory).

File Organization

Tge src directory contains all of the assembly code and game data. The include directory contains all of the include files.

Each of the modules described above is in a separate subdirectory within the src directory. This mimics my best guess as to how the original source code was organized based on e.g. the Playstation releases where each module has a directory named after the main programmer for that module ('NARITA', 'YOSHII', etc.). Each module directory contains all of the source code and data for that module. The root directory of the repo contains a single Makefile to assemble each module and link all of the object files together to create the ROM.

The tools directory contains a set of python scripts which are used to extract and modify game data.

The notes directory contains my notes from reverse engineering the assembly code. Much more hacking information is also available at

The cfg directory contains linker configuration files which ensure that the assembled game data is placed in the ROM to match the original versions. I don't know what assembler and linker were used to build the game by the original development team, but it worked somewhat differently than ca65 and ld65. Because of this, I had to use a lot more modules than would typically be used in order to build a program of this size and complexity.

Naming Conventions

As a naming convention for symbols, I've chosen to follow the example of the Pokémon reverse engineering team ( Subroutine names and labels for data in the ROM use PascalCase. Acronyms like RAM appear in all capitals (i.e. InitRAM). This differs from conventional camel-case capitalization rules.

External subroutines (which get imported/exported and can be called by other modules) get the special suffix _ext. Also, dummy subroutines called by another bank (typically a jsr followed by rtl or jsl followed by rts on the 65c816) get the special suffix _far or _near, respectively.

Descriptive labels have been added for some of the subroutines in the code. Labels for unknown or unlabeled subroutines are the 6-digit ROM address of the subroutine (including the bank) preceded by an underscore, e.g. _c28566.

Local labels inside subroutines use lowercase with underscores separating words. Most local labels are unnamed, and instead use the 4-digit ROM address (excluding the bank). I also typically include a local label at the start of each subroutine so that it can be compared to the original ROM file, but these are just for convenience and can be removed eventually.

WRAM and SRAM labels begin with a lowercase w or s followed by a descriptive name in PascalCase case, e.g. wSpriteData. Similarly, direct- or zero-page labels begin with a lowercase z.

Hardware registers are a slight exception to the rule. I chose to use the official register names from the SNES development manual in all caps, prepended with a lowercase 'h' (i.e. $2100 is hINIDISP).

Instruction mnemonics and macro names are in all lowercase. Macro names can include underscores to improve readability.

Constant expressions are in all uppercase with underscores between words. Enums should be used to group constant values of a similar type (i.e. STATUS::POISON and STATUS::HASTE). This is useful for error-checking and when several flag bits need to be OR'd together.

To shorten subroutine and label names, the following are examples of shortened words that can be used:

  • anim: animation
  • btm: bottom
  • char: character
  • cmd: command
  • ctrl: control or controller
  • dec: decrement
  • div: divide
  • dlg: dialogue
  • dur: duration
  • elem: element
  • exec: execute
  • gfx: graphics
  • grp: group
  • inc: increment
  • init: initialize
  • mod: modify or modifier
  • msg: message
  • mult: multiply or multiplier
  • obj: object
  • qty: quantity
  • pal: palette
  • prop: properties
  • ptr: pointer
  • rand: random
  • reg: register
  • sfx: sound effect
  • tbl: table

Tabs, Spaces, and Comments

.asm and .inc files should not have lines longer than 80 characters. Never use tabs. Always use spaces. In assembly files, labels begin in column 1, instructions and macros begin in column 9, operands begin in column 17, and comments can begin in column 41. Long comments that would extend beyond the 80-character limit should be placed on their own line before the assembly code that they describe.

An exception to these rules is for scripts made with macros instead of instruction mnemonics because the macros names are often longer than 7 characters. In this case, operands begin in column 25.


Disassembly and ROM info for Final Fantasy V







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