Media entity provides a 'base' entity for a media element. This is a very basic entity which can reference to all kinds of media-objects (local files, YouTube videos, tweets, CDN-files, ...). This entity only provides a relation between Drupal (because it is an entity) and the resource. You can reference to this entity within any other Drupal entity.
This module provides local image integration for Media entity (i.e. media type provider plugin). The user can map fields from image's Exif data to media bundle fields.
If you want to store field values you will have to map them to actual bundle fields. At the momemnt there is no GUI for that, so the only method of doing that for now is via CMI.
This whould be an example of that (the field_map section):
langcode: en
status: true
- media_entity_image
id: photo
label: Photo
description: 'Photo to be used with content.'
type: image
source_field: field_image
mime: field_mime
make: field_make
Project page: (if you can't find it, it will be created shortly).
- Janez Urevc (@slashrsm)
- Primož Hmeljak (@primsi)
IRC channel: #drupal-media