#Frogger game As part of Udacity's nanodegree on front-end developement, I made a frogger game - Try it out if you'd like! :)
Play online or download the project to play locally (instructions below).
The gameplay is pretty simple:
- Use the arrow keys or swipe the screen to move.
- You score 10 points if you manage to cross the road and go all the way to the top!
- If you are hit by an enemy you lose 5 points and are moved back to the starting point.
- You have 20.0 seconds to score as much as possible, good luck!
To download simply download the .zip version or clone it by doing a git clone: $ git clone [URL]
. Get URL or download .zip by clicking green button above (clone or download).
"Planet Cute" art by Daniel Cook, [LostGarden.com] (LostGarden.com). Modified "Planet Cute" art by Cheryl Court, [CherylCourt.ca] (http://www.cherylcourt.ca/frogger/attribution.html).