Setup application (this is for ubuntu - for other systems there might be additional steps to do)
Please follow these steps:
- git clone or download and extract this repository
- cp .env.dist .env (update all entries in .env file - remember to change database_url to point into db container)
- docker-compose up --build -d
- docker ps - to check ID of containers
- docker inspect
| grep IPAddress - this address should go to the .env file - docker inspect
| grep IPAddress - add to /etc/hosts
your_webserver_container_id beerapp.local
to access documentation in the browser - docker-compose exec php-fpm bash
- inside container run
composer install
You can find API docs in your configured host (e.g http://beerapp.local/api/doc
). NelmioApiDocBundle is used to generate documentation.
build and run containers: $ docker-compose up -d
access php console: $ docker-compose exec php-fpm bash
composer: $ composer require <package_name>
symfony console: $ bin/console make:entity Hello
Import Data:
- docker-compose exec php-fpm bash
- bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
- bin/console app:beer:import
If setup went well we should see an information that import was successful. All data can be accessed through the browser or with curl requests from CLI.
- $ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" beerapp.local/api/brewer/list -d
- $ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" beerapp.local/api/beer/list -d
- $ curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" beerapp.local/api/beer/{id} -d