Deploy application to docker
In order to deploy the application you need to have Docker installed.
If you have the prerequisites, run the following command in root folderdocker-compose up -d
Docker starts 3 containers:
- postgres database
- spring boot backend
- angular frontend
Postgresql data init
Database url: postgresql://db:5432/partnerregistry
user: postgres
pw: admin1234Run the following script:
INSERT INTO users (username, password, enabled) values ('user', '$2a$10$G7u0FbfLwcEWV3/QV5zXKOYTdsyLUzigQwLXEdSh1WPA9vzjOvPNy', 1); INSERT INTO authorities (username, authority) values ('user', 'ROLE_USER');
Upload test data
Test data can be found in ./sample folder
First upload partners, then address csv via swagger ui (url is in the next chapter)To login use credentials:
user: user
password: password
Frontend url: [http://localhost:8081]
All backend functionality can be tested in swagger: [http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html]
These are the functionalities that could only be tested in swagger:
- upload file
- login
- edit / create entities
function | frontend | backend | db |
paging and sorting for lists | x | x | |
exception handling | x | x | |
login form | x | ||
authentication and JWT tokens | x | ||
upload file | x | ||
edit partner and address | x | ||
init db script | x |
and many other things..