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Eric Marcos edited this page Feb 4, 2015 · 3 revisions

###API endpoint:



Albert already sent it to you...


####"Apostar" click action:

POST /bets/
    amount: 50, //any integer greater or equal than 1
    bet_type: 3, // 1-->Basic, 2-->Auction, 3-->Lottery
    bidding_deadline: "2015-02-04T14:56:55.476Z",
    description: "This is a test Bet POST", //description is optional, won't use it for mobile just yet
    event_deadline: "2015-02-04T16:56:55.476Z",
    public: true, //Whether it's a public or private bet, set always true from mobile
    odds: 2, //Only needed for basic bet. Formula: odds = (amount + amount_against) / amount
    title: "TestBetPost",
    open_lottery: true, //Only needed for lotteries, indicates if users other than bet author can add results. Optional. Defaults to true.
    invites: ["Pepito69", "[email protected]"] //Array of usernames or emails of people to be notified
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