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cleanepi 1.1.0

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@Bisaloo Bisaloo released this 05 Mar 15:13

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the index for empty rows returned by print_report() after
    remove_constants(). This function was incorrectly returning the number of rows
    in the original data frame, instead of the index of empty rows (#173, @Bisaloo).

  • Fixed a bug in the date guesser used by the standardize_dates() function.
    The followings updates were made (#175, @Karim-Mane):

    • allow for quarter and partial dates, and
    • account for odd cases before parsing using the {lubridate} package.


  • Rendering the report no longer requires the use of the {withr} package. Files
    generated during this process will be stored in the R temporary directory
    (#165, @Bisaloo).

  • Simplification and improvement of code performance across several functions
    (#154, #156, #162, @Bisaloo).

  • Make R version dependency explicit (#156, @Bisaloo).

  • Replace base R pipe operator with the {tidyverse} package pipe operator
    (#155, @Karim-Mane).

  • Stop automatic conversion of numeric values into Date due to unexpected
    results from date_guess() function (#151, @Karim-Mane).

  • Allow for a vector of character for na_strings argument in
    replace_missing_values() (#180, Karim-Mane).

  • Improved messaging to differentiate between duplicates found in the subject
    IDs column and duplicates across multiple columns (#180, Karim-Mane).

  • Allow for iterative constant data removal (#180, Karim-Mane).

  • The remove_constants() now works correctly when the cutoff is different
    from 1. More importantly, the function no longer depends on the {janitor}
    package (#177, Karim-Mane).

  • The scan_data() now makes use of date_guess() to parse date from
    characters and lubridate::as_date() to parse dates from numeric. This function
    now operates only on character columns (#181, Karim-Mane).

  • Replace snakecase::to_snake_case() with janitor::clean_names() and make
    sure variable names specified in keep and rename are preserved after
    applying janitor::clean_names() (#180, Karim-Mane).

  • Use the {cli} package for formatting messages in the package
    (#196, Karim-Mane).

  • Translate messages in the package into French using the {potools}
    package (#196, Karim-Mane).

  • An additional column (row_id) with the row indices where the incorrect
    date sequences are found is now added to the report made from the
    check_date_sequence() function (#196, Karim-Mane).

  • The date_guess() and related functions now returns a list of two elements:
    the converted values and a boolean that informs about the presence of numeric
    values that can also be of type Date (#181, Karim-Mane).

  • Update the package vignette to account for the improvements made in the
    different pull requests (#194, Karim-Mane).

Deprecated and defunct

  • Function documentations have been updated. The clean_data() no longer takes
    the params argument. Instead, it takes many other arguments that are described
    in the function documentation and the package vignettes (#184, Karim-Mane).