re-grommet adapts the excellent grommet UI library for simplified use with reagent. The approach is shamelessly copied from soda-ash which performs the same service for the also excellent semantic-ui-react
This version of re-grommet is built using Grommet 1.3.4
Include the regrommet dependency in your project file
Include grommet CSS in your application's HTML (prebuilt themes are available here )
In your source refer to the re-grommet namespace
(ns myapp.core
(:require [re-grommet.core :as rg]))
- Create a gromment Anchor. Note the use of the Reagent
syntax to refer to native React objects
(defn nav-link
[uri title page]
(let [selected-page (rf/subscribe [:page])]
[:> rg/Anchor {:class (when (= page @selected-page) "active")
:href uri}
- Create a simple footer.
(defn footer
[:> rg/Footer {:size "medium"}
[:> rg/Title ]
[:> rg/BoxRG {:direction "row"
:align "center"
:pad {:between "medium"}}
[:> rg/Paragraph "2017 Re-Grommet"]]])
More examples on the way...
- To avoid symbol collisions, Grommet Box and List have been named BoxRG and ListRG respectively
- Grommet icons are suffixed with Icon such that the Add icon should be referenced as AddIcon in code
- This is rather alpha at this point, any comments, questions and PR's are welcme
- Support the more complex Grommet components (e.g. Chart)
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0.