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M. Emre Davarcı edited this page Jun 2, 2017 · 5 revisions
    * Adds tap listener to the dialog. 
    public Noty setTapListener(TapListener listener){ }

    * Adds click listener to the button. 
    public Noty setClickListener(ClickListener listener){ }

    * Returns animation states. 
    public Noty setAnimationListener(AnimListener listener){ }

    * Sets dialog's height in dp. 
    public Noty setHeightDp(int warningHeight){ }

    * Sets dialog's width in dp. 
    public Noty setWidthDp(int warningWidth){ }

    * Sets dialog's alpha. (0.0 - 1.0) 
    public Noty setAlpha(float alpha){ }

    * Sets dialog's height with LayoutParams if you need WRAP_CONTENT or MATCH_PARENT. 
    public Noty setHeight(ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp){ }

    * Sets dialog's width with LayoutParams if you need WRAP_CONTENT or MATCH_PARENT. 
    public Noty setWidth(ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp){ }

    * Enable/disable tap to dismiss feature of dialog. (Has no effect on the button) 
    public Noty tapToDismiss(boolean tapToDismiss){ }

    * Sets the animation type and animation duration of dialog. 
    * If NO_ANIM is used, revealTime and dismissTime won't have any effect.   
    public Noty setAnimation(RevealAnim reveal, DismissAnim dismiss, int revealTime, int dismissTime){ }

    * Sets the radius of dialog's corners. 
    public Noty setWarningBoxRadius(float topLeftRadius, float topRightRadius,
                                    float bottomLeftRadius, float bottomRightRadius){  }

    * Sets the shadow color of dialog. 
    public Noty setShadowColor(String htmlColor){ }

    * Sets the background color of dialog. 
    public Noty setWarningBoxBgColor(String htmlColor){ }

    * Sets the color of dialog when tapped. Disabeling tapToDismiss has no effect on this.
    * If you don't want to change color when tapped, then give this color same with the background color.
    public Noty setWarningTappedColor(String htmlColor){ }

    * Sets the shadow radius and offsets.  
    public Noty setWarningBoxShadow(float shadowRadius, float shadowOffsetX, float shadowOffsetY, String color){ }

    * Sets the insets of dialog. If insets are 0, then shadows cannot be seen. 
    * Increasing the insets makes shadows reveal behind the dialog.   
    public Noty setWarningInset(float warningInsetLeft, float warningInsetUp, 
                                float warningInsetRight, float warningInsetBottom){ }

    * Enables/disable the shadow. 
    public Noty hasShadow(boolean hasShadow){ }

    * Sets the position of dialog. Position can be TOP, CENTER and BOTTOM.
    * But the exact position can be achieved by giving margins if you want. 
    public Noty setWarningBoxPosition(WarningPos position){ }

    * Sets the paddings of dialog. 
    public Noty setWarningBoxPaddings(int left, int top, int right, int bottom){ }

    * Sets the margins of dialog. 
    public Noty setWarningBoxMargins(int left, int top, int right, int bottom){ }

    * Sets the message of dialog. 
    public Noty setWarningText(String warningMessage){ }

    * Sets the text style of mesage. (Italic, Bold, Normal)  
    public Noty setWarningTextStyle(TextStyle textStyle){ }

    * Sets the text size of message in dp. 
    public Noty setWarningTextSizeDp(float size){ }

    * Sets the text size of message in sp. 
    public Noty setWarningTextSizeSp(float size){ }

    * Sets the alignment of the message. Can be used as setWarningTextAlign(Gravity.RIGHT) etc. 
    public Noty setWarningTextAlign(int align){ }

    * Sets the the text color of message. 
    public Noty setWarningTextColor(String htmlColor){ }

    * Sets the font of message. 
    public Noty setWarningTextFont(String fontPath){ }

    * Sets the max lines of message. If the height of dialog is WRAP_CONTENT, then this has no effect.
    public Noty setWarningTextMaxLines(int lines){ }

    * Sets the text of button. 
    public Noty setActionText(String actionMessage){ }

    * Sets the text style of button. (Italic, Bold, Normal) 
    public Noty setActionTextStyle(TextStyle textStyle){ }

    * Sets the text size of button in dp. 
    public Noty setActionTextSizeDp(float size){ }

    * Sets the text size of button in sp. 
    public Noty setActionTextSizeSp(float size){ }

    * Sets the text color of button. 
    public Noty setActionTextColor(String htmlColor){ }

    * Sets the text font of button. 
    public Noty setActionFont(String fontPath){ }

    * Sets the max lines of button. 
    public Noty setActionMaxLines(int lines){ }

    * Sets the pressed color of button. 
    public Noty setActionPressedColor(String htmlColor){ }
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