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138 lines (100 loc) · 8.56 KB

Contributing to Path of Building

Reporting bugs

Before creating an issue:

  • Check that the bug hasn't been reported in an existing issue. View similar issues on the left of the submit button.
  • Make sure you are running the latest version of the program. Click "Check for Update" at the bottom left corner.
  • If you've found an issue with offence or defence calculations, make sure you check the breakdown for that calculation in the Calcs tab to see how it is being performed, as this may help you find the cause.

When creating an issue:

  • Please provide detailed instructions on how to reproduce the bug, if possible.
  • Provide the build share code to a build that is affected by the bug, if possible. In the "Import/Export Build" tab, click "Generate", then "Share with Pastebin" and add the link to your post.

Requesting features

Feature requests are always welcome. Note that not all requests will receive an immediate response.

Before submitting a feature request:

  • Check that the feature hasn't already been requested. Look at all issues with titles that might be related to the feature.
  • Make sure you are running the latest version of the program, as the feature may already have been added. Click "Check for Update" in the bottom left corner.

When submitting a feature request:

  • Be specific! The more details, the better.
  • Small requests are fine, even if it's just adding support for a minor modifier on a rarely-used unique.

Contributing code

Before submitting a pull request:

  • Familiarise yourself with the code base here to get you started.
  • There is a Discord server for active development on the fork and members are happy to answer your questions there. If you are interested in joining, send a private message to any of Cinnabarit#1341, LocalIdentity#9871, nick_#8198 and we'll send you an invite.

When submitting a pull request:

  • Pull requests must be made against the 'dev' branch, as all changes to the code are staged there before merging to 'master'.
  • Make sure that the changes have been thoroughly tested!
  • Make sure not to commit ./Data/2_6/ModCache.lua or ./Data/3_0/ModCache.lua. These are very large, automatically generated files that are updated in the repository for releases only.
  • There are many more files in the ./Data directory that are automatically generated. To change these, instead change the scripts in the ./Export directory.

Setting up a development install

Note: This tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with Git and basic command line tools.

The easiest way to make and test changes is by setting up a development install, in which the program runs directly from a local copy of the repository:

  1. Clone the repository using this command:

    git clone -b dev
  2. Create a shortcut to the 'Path of Building.exe' in your main installation of the program.

  3. Add the path to ./Launch.lua as an argument to the shortcut. You should end up with something like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Path of Building Community\Path of Building.exe" "C:\Path of Building\Launch.lua".

You can now use the shortcut to run the program from the repository. Running the program in this manner automatically enables 'Dev Mode', which has some handy debugging feature:

  • F5 restarts the program in-place (this is what usually happens when an update is applied).
  • Ctrl + ~ toggles the console (Note that this does not work with all keyboard layouts. US layout is a safe bet though).
  • ConPrintf() can be used to output to the console. Search for "===" in the project files if you want to get rid of the default debugging strings.
  • Holding Alt adds additional debugging information to tooltips:
    • Items and passives show all internal modifiers that they are granting.
    • Stats that aren't parsed correctly will show any unrecognised parts of the stat description.
    • Passives also show node ID and node power values.
    • Conditional options in the Configuration tab show the list of dependent modifiers.
  • While in the Tree tab, holding Alt also highlights nodes that have unrecognised modifiers.
  • Holding Ctrl while launching the program will rebuild the mod cache.

Note that the updates system is disabled in Dev Mode, so you must update manually.

Keeping your fork up to date

Note: This tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with Git and basic command line tools.

Note: If you've configured a remote already, you can skip ahead to step 6.

  1. Check your current remote repositories.

    git remote -v
  2. Add a new remote repository and name it upstream.

    git remote add upstream of Building Community/PathOfBuilding.git
  3. Verify that adding the remote worked by running the last command again.

    git remote -v
  4. Fetch all branches and their commits from upstream.

    git fetch upstream
  5. Check out your local dev branch if you haven't already.

    git checkout dev
  6. Merge all changes from upstream/dev into your local dev branch.

    git rebase upstream/dev
  7. Push your updated branch to GitHub.

    git push -f origin dev

Setting up a development environment

Note: This tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with the development tool of your choice.

If you want to use a text editor, Visual Studio Code is recommended. If you want to use an IDE instead, PyCharm Community or IntelliJ Idea Community are recommended. They are all free and open source and support EmmyLua, a Lua plugin that comes with a language server, debugger and many pleasant features. It is recommended to use it over the built-in Lua plugins.

Visual Studio Code
  1. Create a new 'Debug Configuration' of type 'EmmyLua New Debug'
  2. Open the Visual Studio Code extensions folder. On Windows, this defaults to %USERPROFILE%/.vscode/extensions.
  3. Find the sub-folder that contains emmy_core.dll. You should find both x86 and x64; pick x86. For example, C:/Users/someuser/.vscode/extensions/tangzx.emmylua-0.3.28/debugger/emmy/windows/x86.
  4. Paste the following code snippet directly below function launch:OnInit() in ./Launch.lua:
-- This is the path to emmy_core.dll. The ?.dll at the end is intentional.
package.cpath = package.cpath .. ';C:/Users/someuser/.vscode/extensions/tangzx.emmylua-0.3.28/debugger/emmy/windows/x86/?.dll'
local dbg = require('emmy_core')
-- This port must match the Visual Studio Code configuration. Default is 9966.
dbg.tcpListen('localhost', 9966)
-- Uncomment the next line if you want Path of Building to block until the debugger is attached
  1. Start Path of Building Community
  2. Attach the debugger
IntelliJ Idea Community
  1. Create a new 'Debug Configuration' of type 'Emmy Debugger(NEW)'.
  2. Select 'x86' version.
  3. Select if you want the program to block (checkbox) until you attached the debugger (useful if you have to debug the startup process).
  4. Copy the generated code snippet directly below function launch:OnInit() in ./Launch.lua.
  5. Start Path of Building Community
  6. Attach the debugger

Exporting Data from a GGPK file

Note: This tutorial assumes that you are already familiar with the GGPK and its structure.

The repository also contains the system used to export data from the game's Content.ggpk file. This can be found in the Export folder. The data is exported using the scripts in ./Export/Scripts, which are run from within the .dat viewer.

How to export data from a GGPK file:

  1. Create a shortcut to Path of Building.exe with the path to ./Export/Launch.lua as first argument. You should end up with something like: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Path of Building Community\Path of Building.exe" "C:\Path of Building\Export\Launch.lua".
  2. Run the shortcut, and the GGPK data viewer UI will appear. If you get an error, be sure you're using the latest release of Path of Building Community.
  3. Paste the path to Content.ggpk into the text box in the top left, and hit Enter to read the GGPK. If successful, you will see a list of the data tables in the GGPK file. Note: This will not work on the GGPK from the torrent file released before league launches, as it contains no ./Data section.
  4. Click Scripts >> to show the list of available export scripts. Double-clicking a script will run it, and the box to the right will show any output from the script.
  5. If you run into any errors, update the code in ./Export as necessary and try again.