- game_ui_small.png Overlay on top of range_guide.png.
- patreon_logo.png Unused asset.
- range_guide.png Area of effect scale in Calcs view.
- ring.png Ring overlay on hovering over jewel sockets in Tree view.
- ShadedInnerRing.png Ring overlay for radius jewels.
- ShadedInnerRingFlipped.png Ring overlay for Thread of Hope.
- ShadedOuterRing.png Ring overlay for radius jewels.
- ShadedOuterRingFlipped.png Ring overlay for Thread of Hope.
- small_ring.png Highlighting of matching nodes in Tree view search results.
- BuildControlList.lua
- ButtonControl.lua
- CalcBreakdownControl.lua
- CalcSectionControl.lua
- CalcsTab.lua
- CheckBoxControl.lua
- ConfigTab.lua
- Control.lua
- ControlHost.lua
- DropDownControl.lua
- EditControl.lua
- FolderListControl.lua
- GemSelectControl.lua
- ImportTab.lua
- Item.lua
- ItemDBControl.lua
- ItemListControl.lua
- ItemSetListControl.lua
- ItemSlotControl.lua
- ItemsTab.lua
- LabelControl.lua
- ListControl.lua
- MinionListControl.lua
- ModDB.lua
- ModList.lua
- ModStore.lua
- NotesTab.lua
- PassiveSpec.lua
- PassiveSpecListControl.lua
- PassiveTree.lua
- PassiveTreeView.lua
- PathControl.lua
- PopupDialog.lua
- ScrollBarControl.lua
- SectionControl.lua
- SharedItemListControl.lua
- SharedItemSetListControl.lua
- SkillListControl.lua
- SkillsTab.lua
- SliderControl.lua
- TextListControl.lua
- Tooltip.lua
- TooltipHost.lua
- TreeTab.lua
- UndoHandler.lua
- Global.lua
Contains mappings of colour codes, mod flags and keywords. Also contains an enumeration of skill types used in the
game files to hardcode specific interactions. This has to be reverse engineered from the GGPK and not all flags are fully understood yet. - New.lua Newly announced uniques live here until their mod ranges are known.
- Global.lua
Contains mappings of colour codes, mod flags and keywords. Also contains an enumeration of skill types used in the
- The export system warrants its own in-depth document.
- Build.lua Contains controls for everything on the build screen: top: "back", "save", "save as", skill points, level, class, ascendancy left: the buttons for the different tabs, bandits, pantheon, main skill, stat overview. Loads build, initialises all tab components, loads corresponding sections from the build file, builds calculation tab output. Contains functions to load/save build and input handling, popups for build version migration, saving, spectre library. Contains functions to add totem/minion stats to the sidebar, refresing and building the statlist. Contains functions for attribute requirements in tooltips and comparison of tooltips. Contains additional file loading/saving logic.
- BuildList.lua Contains the build selection screen that only has basic UI elements not exclusive to this screen. Filesystem manipulation, searching for XML build files in the build path and sorting the resulting list can be found here.
- CalcActiveSkill.lua
- CalcBreakdown.lua
- CalcDefence-2_6.lua
Legacy, see
- CalcDefence-3_0.lua
- CalcOffence-2_6.lua
Legacy, see
- CalcOffence-3_0.lua
- CalcPerform.lua
- Calcs.lua Loads other calcs modules. Contains printer for console debugging output, calculators for changes to nodes, items, gems, etc and builds stats for sidebar and calcs tab (one function).
- CalcSections-2_6.lua
Legacy, see
. - CalcSections-3_0.lua
- CalcSetup.lua Most of the code here revolves around the mod databases of player and enemy actors. Adds all mods that the two share with each other, as well as all modifiers that are specific to one actor type. Stuff like the base stats of characters, bandits and pantheons get applied here. Builds the list of nodes on the skill tree as well as the mod list for each node, including all mods added, removed or changed by radius jewels, and adds it to the calculation environment. Tracks attribute requirements, finds skills granted by items, checks jewel sockets, radius jewel and abyss jewels, adds flasks. Has special handling for Necromantic Aegis and Dancing Dervish. Counts number of corrupted/Shaper/Elder/etc. items. Processes extra skills granted by items and removes socket groups that no longer have matching items. Gets weapon data, adds granted passives and merges mods of allocated passives. Sets main skill group, builds list of active skills including support gems. Sets the main skill to the default attack if none is selected.
- CalcTools.lua Calculates mod values and tally up increased/more modifiers, validates gems and skill types, checks if support gems can apply to active gems, determines gem type and attribute requirements, builds stat table for skill.
- Common.lua Contains various utilities such as a class library, character encoding converters, MurmurHash non-cryptographic hash function used in the GGPK file, type casts used for working with the GGPK file, JSON-to-Lua converter, utilities for manipulating and printing tables, functions for comparision, rounding, formatting and file manipulation
- ConfigOptions.lua Contains specifications of the various configuration options for buffs, conditions, map mods and more.
- Data.lua Contains skill types, item types. Duplicates some mod creation/porcessing logic. Holds common mappings such as jewel radius, moster exp multiplier, weapon and base info. Loads uniques and all bases, skills, stat descriptions, item mods, enchantments, essences, pantheons, skills, gems, minions and builds list of item bases, loads rare items template. There are extra checks to load either the 3.0 or the 2.6 versions, if applicable.
- ItemTools.lua Calculate the range of mods on items, replace non-ascii characters in item text and colour mod lines.
- Main.lua Loads game version, common, data, mod/item/calc/pantheon..tools. There are two modes of the program: the build list and the build itself. Sets build paths, loads mod caches, trees, rare and unique items. Rebuilds mod caches if in dev mode. Draws non-mode-dependent UI controls.
- ModParser-2_6.lua
Parses all mods on items, skills, pantheon to generate the legacy
. - ModParser-3_0.lua
Parses all mods on items, skills, pantheon to generate the current
. Warrants its own in-depth document. - ModTools.lua
Functions to create mods, and format values, flags, tags.
Also loads the
s generated by theModParser
s. - PantheonTools.lua
Parser for pantheon mods used during
. - StatDescriber.lua
- .gitattributes See https://www.git-scm.com/docs/gitattributes.
- .gitignore See https://www.git-scm.com/docs/gitignore.
- CHANGELOG.md Patch notes written in Markdown.
- changelog.txt Patch notes written in plain text.
- CONTRIBUTING.md Contribution guides.
- GameVersions.lua Contains table of game versions (2.6, 3.0) used to switch between legacy (2.6) and current (3.0) game mechanics in many different places. Also contains table of passive skill tree versions (2.6, 3.6-3.9) used to upgrade to newer skill tree versions.
- HeadlessWrapper.lua
Provides stubs for PoB's graphics host and its environment. Can be used to run PoB from the command line. You would still need to implement at least
to import/export builds. Useful for automated testing. - Launch.lua
Updates on first start, discerns whether PoB is running in dev mode, initialises renderer, loads
module, has callbacks for exiting the program, advancing frames, registering key presses, launching non-blocking subscripts, updating, notification and error prompts. - LaunchInstall.lua Downloads and installs the auto-updater on finishing program installation.
- LICENSE.md MIT licence
- manifest.xml Contains file name : SHA-1 hash pairings used to determine which files to update.
- patch_fork.ps1
Script for programmatically switching the references in
over to the fork. - PathOfBuilding.sln Unused configuration file
- README.md Project overview
- runtime-win32.zip
Contains PoB executable, update executable, compiled libraries
(HTTPS requests),lcurl
(libcurl for Lua),lua51
(LuaJIT 5.1),lzip
(custom proprietary 2D graphics host), lua libraries for Base64, JSON, SHA-1, XML, and fonts. - tree-2_6.zip
- tree-3_6.zip
- tree-3_7.zip
- tree-3_8.zip
- tree-3_9.zip
- UpdateApply.lua Consumes and applies table of update instructions. Updating the runtime itself is done from a separate host environment.
- UpdateCheck.lua
Compares local and remote manifests to determine which files need to be updated, downloads these files and
, rebuildsmanifest.xml
and builds table of update instructions. - updatemanifest.py
Generates SHA-1 hashes for files in
. New files have to be manually added tomanifest.xml
to be processed.