A zero-dependency Javascript library for looking up airport
Install via npm:
npm install iata-location
Lookup an airport by IATA code:
import { lookupAirport } from "iata-location";
const airport = await lookupAirport("JFK");
// {
// latitude_deg: '40.639447',
// longitude_deg: '-73.779317',
// iso_country: 'US',
// iso_region: 'US-NY',
// municipality: 'New York',
// iata_code: 'JFK'
// }
Lookup a group of airports by prefix:
import * as AirportsFromC from "iata-location/data/C";
// {
// CAA: {
// latitude_deg: '14.875',
// longitude_deg: '-85.776108',
// iso_country: 'HN',
// iso_region: 'HN-OL',
// municipality: 'El Aguacate',
// iata_code: 'CAA'
// },
// CAB: {
// ...
// },
// ...
// }
The Airport Lookup Library provides an efficient, tree-shakeable solution for airport data lookups using IATA codes. It offers two primary methods for retrieving airport data:
- Dynamic Runtime Lookup: Retrieves data on the fly through the
function. - Static Tree-Shakeable Imports: Uses pre-generated data shards (e.g., for
) which can be removed from the final bundle via tree-shaking.
Under the hood, this library leverages davidmegginson/ourairports-data, an open-data repository that provides daily downloads from OurAirports. By including it as a Git submodule, our project is able to obtain the latest airport data without manual intervention, ensuring that each data shard is always current and is maintained independently for optimal bundling.
- Zero Dependencies: No external dependencies, just pure Javascript.
- Dynamic Runtime Lookup: Use the
function to dynamically query airport data. - Static Tree-Shakeable Imports: Leverage statically imported data shards to benefit from optimized bundle sizes due to tree-shaking.
- Modular, Up-to-Date Data: Utilizes Git submodules to integrate with ourairports-data for daily airport data updates.
The library handles airport lookups in two ways:
Runtime Lookup: The
function dynamically fetches airport data based on IATA codes, providing flexibility for various queries. -
Tree-Shakeable Static Imports: For a set of popular IATA codes, the library imports static data shards. Modern bundlers can then safely remove any shards that are not used, resulting in a leaner final build.
Our airport data shards are managed as Git submodules. This method brings several benefits:
- Modular Data: Each shard is an independent submodule, which facilitates discrete development and updates.
- Fresh Data: The integration with ourairports-data ensures that the airport data is updated daily from the original source.
- Optimized Bundling: Only the static data shards that are explicitly imported end up in the final bundle, reducing the overall bundle size.
Our library includes an internal indexing system that provides flexibility in how you import airport data:
Single Airport Import: If you need data for just one specific airport, import it directly using its IATA code. For example:
import { JFK } from "iata-location/data/J/F/K";
This way, only the data for
is included (thanks to tree-shaking). -
Group Imports: To import a group of related airports (for example, when you want all airports starting with a specific letter), you can use a grouped import. For instance:
import * as AirportsFromC from "iata-location/data/C";
This will load all airport data in the
group. -
Import All Airports: If you require access to the complete airport dataset, you can import them all via an index file:
import * as allAirports from "iata-location/data";
Note: Importing the entire dataset might increase your bundle size. It is recommended to use this method only if necessary, or in an environment where tree-shaking is not a concern.
You can install the package via npm:
npm install iata-location
Below is an excerpt from the example file demonstrating both runtime and tree-shakeable airport lookups. Note that markdown code blocks in this README are escaped so they display as literal text:
import { lookupAirport } from "iata-location";
// Tree-shakeable static lookup for specific IATA codes.
import { CDG } from "iata-location/data/C/D/G";
import { JFK } from "iata-location/data/J/F/K";
import { LAX } from "iata-location/data/L/A/X";
async function runtimeLookupExample() {
console.log("=== Runtime Lookup ===");
const iataCodes = ["JFK", "LAX", "CDG", "XYZ"];
// Execute lookups concurrently.
const results = await Promise.all(
iataCodes.map(async (code) => {
const airport = await lookupAirport(code);
return { code, airport };
results.forEach(({ code, airport }) => {
if (airport) {
console.log(`Found data for ${code}:`, airport);
} else {
console.log(`No data found for ${code}.`);
function treeShakeableLookupExample() {
console.log("=== Tree-Shakeable Lookup ===");
// Direct static lookup via imported shard modules.
console.log("JFK:", JFK ? JFK : "Not found");
console.log("LAX:", LAX ? LAX : "Not found");
console.log("CDG:", CDG ? CDG : "Not found");
async function main() {
await runtimeLookupExample();
main().catch(error => {
console.error("Error during lookup examples:", error);
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a PR.