Operating an access point consists of three tasks pertaining to inbound and outbound traffic:
- Receive
- Process
- Transmit
Message flow is relative to the PEPPOL network, i.e. "outbound" traffic is always transmitted into the network, while "inbound" traffic is all about receiving messages from the network.
+-----------+ +------------+ +--------------+
Back-end --> | Reception | --> | Processing | --> | Transmission | --> PEPPOL
+-----------+ +------------+ +--------------+
+--------------+ +------------+ +-----------+
Back-end <-- | Transmission | <-- | Processing | <-- | Reception | <-- PEPPOL
+--------------+ +------------+ +-----------+
Spiralis was created to do the Processing of messages received by Oxalis
Oxalis is only responsible for receiving messages and will simply dump a set of files in your local file system.
Spiralis' job is to monitor the local file system and process the messages received by Oxalis.
Spiralis consists of two major components, working together:
- oxalis-plugin, which is an Oxalis plugin responsible for writing the data received by Oxalis into the local file system in a format suitable for later processing.
- spiralis-inbound; reads the data produced by oxalis-plugin and performs the processing.
In addition there is the azureblob
, which is a plugin for the Ringo-server, allowing content stored in Microsoft Azure
to be retrieved and downloaded.
Oxalis-plugin is installed as a plugin in accordance with the installation instructions of Oxalis.
It produces the following files in the spiralis.inbound.directory, the transmissionId being assigned by Oxalis:
- {transmissionId}
- holds the acutal payload, wrapped in an SBDH - {transmissionId}
- holds the REM evidence - {transmissionId}
- holds the AS2 MDN receipt - {transmissionId}
- holds the meta data of the reception.
This standalone executable program will scan the "inbound" directory and for each set of transmission files:
- Parses the meta data helding in the
file - Uploads the files to persistent storage
- Writes the metadata to the DBMS using JDBC.
spiralis {
inbound.directory : /var/peppol/IN
azure {
account : ****testdata01
access-key : "eOAASM/8sB****************************************************************************=="
protocol : http
connect : "DefaultEndpointsProtocol="${spiralis.azure.protocol};"AccountName="${spiralis.azure.account};"AccountKey="${spiralis.azure.access-key}
include "jdbc.conf"
The following describes how to set up the configuration for JDBC in a separate file:
// Default configuration uses H2, which should be on the classpath
jdbc {
connection.uri : "jdbc:h2:~/.oxalis/ap;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE"
driver.class {
path : ""
name : "org.h2.Driver"
user: "SA"
password : ""
validation.query : "select now()"
Please note that this configuration assumes that you are using the H2 database, which is included as part of Spiralis.
If you intend to use a different database, you must to set the property jdbc.driver.class.path
to ensure
that Spiralis is able to instantiate the JDBC driver.
// Example configuration for MS SQL Server
jdbc {
connection.uri : "jdbc:sqlserver://hmaptestdb001.database.windows.net:1433;database=dbname;encrypt=true;trustServerCertificate=false;hostNameInCertificate=*.database.windows.net;loginTimeout=30;"
driver.class {
path : "file:///Users/steinar/.m2/repository/com/microsoft/sqlserver/sqljdbc42/4.2/sqljdbc42-4.2.jar"
name : "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
user: "user@dbname"
password : "************"
validation.query : ""
Spiralis uses the Typesafe Config library.
Configuration properties take presedence in this order:
- System properties, set using
argument. - External configuration file referenced by:
- System property
- System environment variable
- System property
- System property
files embedded in each component
This is depicted below
| Config created from |
| command line | "-d dirname" --> "spiralis.inbound.directory"
| Java system properties | Tip: -Doxalis.home=yourfile.conf
| sysprop('spiralis.home')/ | (optional) +----------------+
| spiralis.conf +---include xxx.conf --->+ jdbcxxxxxx.conf|
+------------+--------------+ +----------------+
| reference.conf* |
Reception : represents the reception of an incoming message. A unique identification is assigned.
ReceptionId : unique identification in the form of a UUID, identifying inbound and outbound messages.
AS2 Message-ID : see Transmission id
Transmission id : unique identification of a transmission between two access points. The value of the "Transmission ID" can be found in the AS2 Message-ID header.