TOOP node application based on TOOP Provider and TOOP Consumer principle. TOOP Provider connects to the Dutch Chamber of Commerce Test API available here:
This project depends on:
- JDK 9 (
- Apache Maven 3x (
- Lombok (
All three need to be installed, configured and running properly.
Use GIT clone to get a local copy of this repo.
Before running check server.port inside: ./src/main/resources/ When running the jar, the can be placed next to the jar and it will be picked up automatically.
The way forward would be to implement the eu.toop.node.service.ProviderService interface which would need to use a country specific Chamber of Commerce service much like the To be able to use this new implementation two things need to be done: Through configuring the new provider implementation inside the eu.toop.node.CountryConfiguration a TOOP Consumer can be made aware of this new implementation.
You will need to build the toopapi project first! Build using: mvn clean install
Run the application inside ./target/ java -jar toopnode.jar
mvn spring-boot:run
TOOP Consumer URL: http://localhost:<server.port>/toopnode/consumer/provide?country=NL&id=Grand%20Kontex%20B.V.
TOOP Provider URL: http://localhost:<server.port>/toopnode/provider/provide?id=Grand%20Kontex%20B.V.