This is a command line tool that aims to replace the most noodle-bending counter-intuitive application ever made:
Check the screens directory for more.
-s, --setup Setup credentials and driver.
-n, --notifications List notifications.
-i, --inbox List messages in your inbox.
-m, --message NUMBER View a single message from your ibox
-c, --courses List all courses with their corresponding id.
-b, --bulletins NUMBER List bulletings (news) for a single course id.
-t, --tree NUMBER List directories and files for a single course.
-h, --help Display help and usage details
- @michaelmcmillan came up with the idea the initial code, maintains the project.
- @marthall fixed bugs, helped with documentation, fixed dependencies and implemented single message view.
- @katnegermis wrote an authentication driver for University of Copenhagen & improved custom domains in driver.
- @RasmusWriedtLarsen feature-suggestions
- @roessland helped with reporting a silent error
It'sLearning supports several ways of authentication. For instance, the NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) uses SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) while others only use the "native" It'sLearning login.
This is why itslearningcli ships with a directory called drivers
If you want to login to It'sLearning with itslearningcli there has to be a compatible
driver for your school. Unfortunately I don't have the rights to log into schools
I'm not studying at, therefore I need help writing drivers.
A pull-request is greatly appreciated and I'll make sure to credit anyone who helps out.