First Phase Release
This is the release for the first phase.
Some of the current features of the app:
- The app relies on a Firebase server.
- Firebase Authentication is used to authenticate users. New users can create a new account using an email or a Google account.
- Event and User object are stored on the Firestore database.
- Pictures for users or events are stored on Firebase Storage. After a picture has been uploaded on Firebase Storage, thumbnails of different sizes are generated using Firebase Cloud Functions and stored on Storage.
- The user (with the role manager) can edit and store his/her own event. An event is described by: a text, a category (friend party, concert, etc.), date, time, photo and address (with GPS coordinates).
- The GPS coordinates are generated from the address in a service.
- Photos are uploaded using a service, this is so that the upload continues even if the app is closed.
- Other users are able to search for events that other users have shared.
- Events can be searched by location on a map (using osmdroid).
- users connect with each other by sending friend requests
Some features to be added in the second phase:
- Users will be able to rate and comments other events.
- User can invite friends to event
- notification on homepage when user receives friend requests or invitations
- ability to open maps in other map apps