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process-bot committed Dec 31, 2014
2 parents 980cd6e + 69330fc commit 192d9e4
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Showing 6 changed files with 467 additions and 324 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions elm-package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
"native-modules": true,
"dependencies": {
"elm-lang/core": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"evancz/elm-html": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0",
"evancz/elm-markdown": "1.0.0 <= v < 2.0.0"
280 changes: 280 additions & 0 deletions frontend/Controls.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
module Controls where

import Color
import Graphics.Collage (..)
import Graphics.Element (..)
import Graphics.Element as GE
import Graphics.Input (..)
import List
import Signal
import Signal (Signal, (<~), (~))
import Slider (..)
import Text

import Model (..)


buttonHeight = 40
buttonWidth = 40
sideMargin = 2 * 20
textHeight = 20
panelWidth = 275

blue = Color.rgb 28 129 218
lightGrey = Color.rgb 228 228 228
darkGrey = Color.rgb 74 74 74

dataStyle : List String -> Float -> String -> Text.Text
dataStyle typefaces height string =
let default = Text.defaultStyle
myStyle =
{ default |
typeface <- typefaces,
color <- lightGrey,
height <- Just height
in myStyle (Text.fromString string)

textTypefaces : List String
textTypefaces =
["Gotham", "Futura", "Lucida Grande", "sans-serif"]

textStyle : String -> Text.Text
textStyle string =
dataStyle textTypefaces 12 string


myButton : Signal.Message -> String -> Element
myButton message name =
let img state =
image 40 40 ("/_reactor/debugger/" ++ name ++ "-button-" ++ state ++ ".png")
customButton message (img "up") (img "hover") (img "down")

playButton : Element
playButton =
myButton (Signal.send pausedInput False) "play"

pauseButton : Element
pauseButton =
myButton (Signal.send pausedInput True) "pause"

pausedInput : Signal.Channel Bool
pausedInput = False

restartButton : Element
restartButton =
myButton (Signal.send restartChannel ()) "restart"

restartChannel : Signal.Channel ()
restartChannel = ()

swapButton : Bool -> Element
swapButton permitSwap =
let hsWidth = 25
radius = 4
bgButton =
roundedSquare hsWidth radius (filled lightGrey)

trueButton =
[bgButton, roundedSquare 22 radius (filled blue)]

trueButtonHover =
[ bgButton
, roundedSquare 22 radius (filled blue)
, roundedSquare 22 radius (filled darkGrey) |> alpha 0.1

trueButtonClick = falseButton

falseButton =
[bgButton, roundedSquare 22 radius (filled darkGrey)]

falseButtonHover =
[ bgButton
, roundedSquare 22 radius (filled darkGrey)
, roundedSquare 22 radius (filled blue) |> alpha 0.1

falseButtonClick = trueButton

button =
case permitSwap of
True ->
customButton (Signal.send permitSwapChannel False)
(collage hsWidth hsWidth trueButton)
(collage hsWidth hsWidth trueButtonHover)
(collage hsWidth hsWidth trueButtonClick)
False ->
customButton (Signal.send permitSwapChannel True)
(collage hsWidth hsWidth falseButton)
(collage hsWidth hsWidth falseButtonHover)
(collage hsWidth hsWidth falseButtonClick)

info = Text.leftAligned (textStyle "swap")
flow right [ info, spacer 10 1, button ]

permitSwapChannel : Signal.Channel Bool
permitSwapChannel = True

scrubSlider : (Int, Int) -> State -> Element
scrubSlider (w,_) state =
let sliderLength = w

sliderStyle =
{ defaultSlider |
length <- sliderLength,
max <- toFloat state.totalEvents,
value <- toFloat state.scrubPosition
slider (\n -> Signal.send scrupChannel (round n)) sliderStyle
|> container sliderLength 20 middle

scrupChannel : Signal.Channel Int
scrupChannel = 0

sliderEventText : Int -> State -> Element
sliderEventText w state =
let textWidthOffset = 14

scrubPosition =
toFloat state.scrubPosition

totalEvents =
toFloat state.totalEvents

midWidth =
toFloat w - sideMargin - textWidthOffset

leftDistance =
case totalEvents of
0 -> sideMargin/2 + textWidthOffset/2
_ -> scrubPosition / totalEvents * midWidth + sideMargin/2 + textWidthOffset/2

xPos = absolute (round leftDistance)
yPos = absolute (round (textHeight / 2))

textPosition = middleAt xPos yPos

text' =
Text.centered (textStyle (toString state.scrubPosition))
container w textHeight textPosition text'

sliderMinMaxText : Int -> State -> Element
sliderMinMaxText w state =
let sliderStartText =
textStyle "0"
|> Text.leftAligned
|> container w textHeight topLeft

sliderTotalEvents =
toString state.totalEvents
|> textStyle
|> Text.rightAligned
|> container w textHeight topRight
flow outward
[ sliderStartText
, sliderTotalEvents

view : (Int, Int) -> Bool -> Bool -> State -> Element
view (w,h) showSwap permitSwap state =
let midWidth = w - sideMargin

topSpacerHeight = 15

buttonSliderSpaceHeight = 10

fittedSwapButton =
if showSwap then
swapButton permitSwap
|> container (w - 2 * buttonWidth - sideMargin) buttonHeight middle
spacer (2 * buttonWidth) 1

buttons =
flow right
[ restartButton
, fittedSwapButton
, if state.paused then playButton else pauseButton

centeredSliderContainer =
container w (24 + textHeight) midTop <|
flow down
[ scrubSlider (midWidth, h) state
, sliderMinMaxText midWidth state

slider =
container w (24 + 2* textHeight) midTop <|
flow down
[ sliderEventText w state
, centeredSliderContainer

buttonContainer =
container w buttonHeight midTop buttons

controls =
flow down
[ spacer midWidth topSpacerHeight
, buttonContainer
, spacer midWidth buttonSliderSpaceHeight
, slider
, spacer midWidth 10

bar =
opacity 0.3 (color lightGrey (spacer w 1))
flow down
[ controls
, bar


roundedSquare : Float -> Float -> (Shape -> Form) -> Form
roundedSquare side radius toForm =
let shortSide = side - 2 * radius
xRect = rect side shortSide |> toForm
yRect = rect shortSide side |> toForm
circleOffset = shortSide / 2
formedCircle = circle radius |> toForm
tl = formedCircle |> move (-circleOffset, circleOffset)
tr = formedCircle |> move ( circleOffset, circleOffset)
bl = formedCircle |> move (-circleOffset,-circleOffset)
br = formedCircle |> move ( circleOffset,-circleOffset)
group [xRect, yRect, tl, tr, bl, br]

50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions frontend/Model.elm
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
module Model where

type Update
= Restart
| Pause Bool
| TotalEvents Int
| ScrubPosition Int

type alias State =
{ paused : Bool
, totalEvents : Int
, scrubPosition : Int

startState : State
startState =
{ paused = False
, totalEvents = 0
, scrubPosition = 0

step : Update -> State -> State
step update state =
case update of
Restart ->

Pause doPause ->
{ state |
paused <- doPause,
totalEvents <-
if doPause then state.totalEvents else state.scrubPosition

TotalEvents events ->
{ state |
totalEvents <- events,
scrubPosition <- events

ScrubPosition pos ->
{ state |
scrubPosition <- pos,
paused <- True


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