Exports your three.js scenes to svg!
- A bit innaccurate. Scale up le demo cube and you'll see some faces get the background color. Pull color from the fragment shader?
- colors are a bit dark, no idea why
- Render to main render target
- Render to wireframe render target: set material to all black except for bright pink (or whatever) wireframe. see multimaterialobject here https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/extras/SceneUtils.js
- Get pixel data on main render target
- Get pixel data on wireframe render target
- For each face
- Identify face centroid (this is done already)
- Flood fill from face centroid on wireframe target: if the pixel is black, record the color of the same pixel on the main render target, push that pixel to a face color array
- Average (median?) the face color array
- Set that color to the color of the svg polygon