Connecting React Components with Reflux Stores in a clean way
$ npm install --save refluxed
You'll write your component to receive all its data as props
– most likely you can write
it as a stateless component:
function UserList({ users, header }) {
return (
<h1>{ header }</h1>
{ => <li>{}</li>) }
Then, before using your component on your app, you use the Refluxed
method to
wrap your component into another (the High-Order Component), which will then
listen to the stores you need and pass on their data as props
import Refluxed from 'refluxed';
const ConnectedUserList = Refluxed(UserList, { users: UserStore });
function MyApp() {
render (
<p>Welcome to our app</p>
<ConnectedUserList header="User List" />
This project is inspired by the great reflux-hoc from Christoph Hermann.
MIT © Elementar Sistemas