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A quick search concern for ActiveRecord and Mongoid models.

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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'quick-search'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install quick-search


quick-search ships with an ActiveRecord and a Mongoid adapter. Feel free to submit a pull request for your favorite adapter.

To start using it, just add include QuickSearch somewhere on the model class you need. The class will be augmented with a quick_search method, which can be called directly on your model class (i.e., User.quick_search('marge simpson')) or chained with your scopes or another conditions (i.e., User.where(active: true).quick_search('homer simpson').

Restricting the fields available for quick searching

By default, quick-search will try to match the tokens you specify on all string fields on the model. If that's undesirable, you can restrict the fields:

class MyModel
  include QuickSearch

  quick_search_fields :name, :address

Searching on relations (ActiveRecord only)

When using quick-search on ActiveRecord models, you can specify associations in which to search. They will be automatically joined.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  include QuickSearch

  has_many :pets

  quick_search_fields :name, :address, pets: [:name, parents: [:name]]

Searching on subdocuments (Mongoid only)

Using the same technique used for querying ActiveRecord relations, you can search inside Mongoid subdocuments:

class User
  include Mongoid::Document
  include QuickSearch

  embeds_many :pets

  quick_search_fields :name, :address, pets: [:name, parents: [:name]]

The Mongoid adapter will not perform queries on has_many or belongs_to relations. PR are welcome.

How it works

A simple query like this:

User.quick_search 'john wayne'

Generates, in ActiveRecord, the equivalent of this:

User.where('name like :n or email like :n', n: '%john%')
    .where('name like :n or email like :n', n: '%wayne%')

And for Mongoid, the equivalent of this:

User.where('$or' => [{name: /john/}, {email: /john/}])
    .where('$or' => [{name: /wayne/}, {email: /wayne/}])


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


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