This is Elanat's external add-on repository. Add-ons are placed in separate directories in this repository. Put these add-ons as you like in your repositories and change them for yourself and add your name after the Elanat name in the athour tag in the catalog files along with the developed by sentence.
All add-ons created in C# programming language are compatible with ASP.NET Core. The ASP.NET Core add-ons in this repository are created using the Code-Behind backend framework.
Elanat add-ons page:
Set athour tag format like below text:
<add-ons_name_author value="elanat developed by you" />
According to the list below, There are 8 different types of add-ons in Elanat:
- Component
- Module
- Plugin
- Patch
- Page
- Fetch
- Extra helper
- Editor template
There are other items such as language, template and style in the following list:
- Admin style
- Admin template
- Site style
- Site template
- Language
The directory of all the items of both lists has been added in this repository. There may be a directory with the same name as the parent directory along with the underscore character (_) and the word raw in these cases, which constitutes a raw directory of these cases.