232 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
What’s Changed
This release includes Czech language and moves the code base from Scala 2 to Scala 3, including many dependency updates.
Note updating to 1.14.0 requires to adopt the config file. There are two sections that changed from being an array of objects to a nested object.
backend {
auth {
oauth = [
{ id = "x"
backend {
auth {
oauth = {
x = { … }
So the id
property inside the object is removed and put as an attribute key into the outer object. The same applies to database-domain-checks
. If you don't use (have overriden) any of this, you don't need to do anything (here you can just use any unique id as there is no such property). You can have a look at the reference.conf
file in this repository for details.
🚀 Features
💚 Maintenance
- Move codebase to scala 3 (+allow env vars for configuration) @eikek (#1430)
- Fix renamed elm package @eikek (#1359)
🧱 Dependencies
- Update pureconfig to 0.17.7 @eikek-scala-steward (#1429)
- Update scribe, scribe-slf4j2 to 3.15.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1428)
- Update flyway-core, ... to 10.14.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1427)
- Update scribe, scribe-slf4j2 to 3.14.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1426)
- Update swagger-ui to 5.17.14 @eikek-scala-steward (#1424)
- Update dependency flag-icons to v7.2.3 @renovate (#1423)
- Update swagger-ui to 5.17.11 @eikek-scala-steward (#1422)
- Update munit, munit-scalacheck to 1.0.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1420)
- Update mariadb-java-client to 3.4.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1419)
- Update munit-cats-effect-3 to 2.0.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1421)
- Update sourcecode to 0.4.2 @eikek-scala-steward (#1417)
- Update flyway-core, ... to 10.13.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1418)
- Update dependency flag-icons to v7.2.2 @renovate (#1413)
- Update actions/checkout action to v4.1.6 @renovate (#1411)
- Update cachix/install-nix-action action to v27 @renovate (#1410)
- Update scribe, scribe-slf4j2 to 3.13.5 @eikek-scala-steward (#1408)
- Update postgres Docker tag to v16.3 @renovate (#1407)
- Update actions/checkout action to v4.1.5 @renovate (#1406)
- Update sbt to 1.10.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1402)
- Update http4s-circe, http4s-dsl, ... to 0.23.27 @eikek-scala-steward (#1401)
- Update sbt-scalafix to 0.12.1 @eikek-scala-steward (#1396)
- Update scala-library to 2.13.14 @eikek-scala-steward (#1397)
- Update flyway-core, ... to 10.12.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1395)
- Update circe-core, circe-generic, ... to 0.14.7 @eikek-scala-steward (#1394)
- Update swagger-ui to 5.17.2 @eikek-scala-steward (#1393)
- Update actions/checkout action to v4.1.4 @renovate (#1391)
- Update scribe, scribe-slf4j2 to 3.13.4 @eikek-scala-steward (#1390)
- Update swagger-ui to 5.17.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1389)
- Update actions/checkout action to v4.1.3 @renovate (#1387)
- Update flyway-core, ... to 10.11.1 @eikek-scala-steward (#1386)
- Update scribe, scribe-slf4j2 to 3.13.3 @eikek-scala-steward (#1385)
- Update swagger-ui to 5.15.2-1 @eikek-scala-steward (#1384)
- Update swagger-ui to 5.15.2 @eikek-scala-steward (#1383)
- Update sourcecode to 0.4.1 @eikek-scala-steward (#1382)
- Update sourcecode to 0.4.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1381)
- Update swagger-ui to 5.15.1 @eikek-scala-steward (#1379)
- Update swagger-ui to 5.15.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1378)
- Update tika-core to 2.9.2 @eikek-scala-steward (#1374)
- Update dependency @fortawesome/fontawesome-free to v6.5.2 @renovate (#1373)
- Update swagger-ui to 5.13.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1372)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.8.1 @eikek-scala-steward (#1371)
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.10.2 @eikek-scala-steward (#1370)
- Update swagger-ui to 5.12.2 @eikek-scala-steward (#1368)
- Update dependency flag-icons to v7.2.1 @renovate (#1367)
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.10.1 @eikek-scala-steward (#1366)
- Update scribe, scribe-slf4j2 to 3.13.2 @eikek-scala-steward (#1365)
- Update scribe, scribe-slf4j2 to 3.13.1 @eikek-scala-steward (#1364)
- Update sbt-buildinfo to 0.12.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1363)
- Update fs2-core, fs2-io to 3.10.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1361)
- Update swagger-ui to 5.12.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1362)
- Update swagger-ui to 5.11.10 @eikek-scala-steward (#1354)
- Update flyway-core, ... to 10.10.0 @eikek-scala-steward (#1357)
- Update postgresql to 42.7.3 @eikek-scala-steward (#1358)