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[Device] motorola|thea

Luca Stefani edited this page Aug 21, 2016 · 3 revisions

stock bootloader weirdness

  • fastboot boot ignores the boot.img's dt.img
  • fastboot boot randomly fails to boot Linux
  • aboot edits the cmdline using regex, i.e. the console parameter is set to null

chosen nodes

chosen {
	mmi,reserve = <0x0 0x0 0x3 0x8 0x4894 0x4d534d38 0x39323600 0x3 0x4 0x4888 0x4f 0x3 0x4 0x4877 0xaa975c09 0x3 0x4 0x4867 0x15000000 0x3 0x4 0x485b 0x8300 0x3 0x4 0x484c 0x4821 0x3 0x4 0x4839 0x4000 0x3 0x4 0x4828 0x20dd800 0x3 0x4 0x4815 0x2000000>;
	mmi,battid = "XXXXXXXX";
	mmi,display_auto_detect = <0x0>;
	mmi,panel_ver = <0x0 0x184c2>;
	mmi,panel_name = "mipi_mot_video_inx_hd_500";
	mmi,msm_hw = "MSM8926";
	mmi,prod_id = <0x4f>;
	linux,serialhigh = <0xaa975c09>;
	linux,seriallow = <0x15000000>;
	linux,hwrev = <0x8300>;
	mmi,mbmversion = <0x4821>;
	mmi,powerup_reason = <0x4000>;
	linux,initrd-end = <0x20dd800>;
	linux,initrd-start = <0x2000000>;
	bootargs = "androidboot.bootdevice=msm_sdcc.1 androidboot.hardware=qcom vmalloc=400M utags.blkdev=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/utags androidboot.emmc=true androidboot.serialno=XXXXXXXXXX androidboot.baseband=msm androidboot.mode=normal androidboot.device=thea androidboot.hwrev=0x8300 androidboot.powerup_reason=0x00004000 bootreason=reboot androidboot.write_protect=0 restart.download_mode=0 androidboot.fsg-id= androidboot.secure_hardware=1 androidboot.cid=0x7 androidboot.bootloader=0x4821 androidboot.carrier=retgb mdss_mdp.panel=1:dsi:0:qcom,mdss_dsi_mot_inx_720p_video_v0";

	mmi,bl_sigs {
		mmi,reserve = <0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0>;
		4 = "aboot.git=MBM-NG-V48.21-0-gd8d8d9e";
		3 = "tz.git=MBM-NG-V48.21-0-g31cba28";
		2 = "rpm.git=MBM-NG-V48.21-0-gbe53f43";
		1 = "sbl1.git=MBM-NG-V48.21-0-gbffe41a";
		0 = "sdi.git=MBM-NG-V48.21-0-gdc5aeaf";

RAM ptable

ID	Address                              	  Size	Attr	Cat	Domain	Type	Parts
0:	0x0000000000000000-0x0000000020000000	 512MB	rw	sdram	default	sys	8
1:	0x0000000020000000-0x0000000040000000	 512MB	rw	sdram	default	sys	8
2:	0x00000000fc100000-0x00000000fc120000	 128kB	rw	iram	default	sys	0
3:	0x00000000fe800000-0x00000000fe806000	  32kB	rw	imem	default	sys	0
4:	0x000000000fe00000-0x000000000ff00000	   1MB	rw	sdram	default	boot1	0

partition table

Model: MMC M8G1GC (sd/mmc)
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 7818182656B
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt
Disk Flags: 

Number  Start        End          Size         File system  Name         Flags
 1      131072B      67239935B    67108864B    ext4         modem        msftdata
 2      67239936B    67764223B    524288B                   sbl1
 3      67764224B    67796991B    32768B                    DDR
 4      67895296B    68931583B    1036288B                  aboot        legacy_boot
 5      69431296B    69636095B    204800B                   rpm          legacy_boot
 6      69943296B    70352895B    409600B                   tz           legacy_boot
 7      70455296B    70488063B    32768B                    sdi
 8      70488064B    71012351B    524288B                   utags
 9      71012352B    73109503B    2097152B                  logs
10      73109504B    75497471B    2387968B                  padA         msftdata
11      75497472B    76533759B    1036288B                  abootBackup
12      77033472B    77238271B    204800B                   rpmBackup
13      77545472B    77955071B    409600B                   tzBackup
14      78057472B    78090239B    32768B                    sdiBackup    msftdata
15      78090240B    78614527B    524288B                   utagsBackup
16      78643200B    79167487B    524288B                   frp
17      79167488B    79720447B    552960B                   padB         msftdata
18      79720448B    81293311B    1572864B                  modemst1
19      81293312B    82866175B    1572864B                  modemst2
20      82866176B    83365887B    499712B                   hob
21      83365888B    83398655B    32768B                    dhob
22      83492864B    85065727B    1572864B     ext2         fsg
23      85065728B    85066751B    1024B                     fsc
24      85066752B    85074943B    8192B                     ssd
25      85074944B    86123519B    1048576B                  sp
26      86123520B    86254591B    131072B                   cid
27      86254592B    89400319B    3145728B     ext3         pds
28      89400320B    93594623B    4194304B                  logo
29      93594624B    97788927B    4194304B                  clogo
30      97910784B    106299391B   8388608B     ext4         persist      msftdata
31      106299392B   106823679B   524288B                   misc
32      106823680B   117268479B   10444800B                 boot
33      117268480B   127795199B   10526720B                 recovery
34      127795200B   128843775B   1048576B                  deviceinfo   msftdata
35      128843776B   145620991B   16777216B    ext4         ftmlog       msftdata
36      145620992B   154009599B   8388608B                  kpan
37      154009600B   167772159B   13762560B                 padC         msftdata
38      167772160B   184549375B   16777216B                 keystore
39      184549376B   218103807B   33554432B                 oem          msftdata
40      218103808B   2315255807B  2097152000B  ext4         system       msftdata
41      2315255808B  2577399807B  262144000B   ext4         cache        msftdata
42      2577399808B  7818165759B  5240765952B  ext4         userdata     msftdata