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SPI master controller with receive and transmit FIFOs.

The wrapped IP

APB, AHBL, and Wishbone wrappers are provided. All wrappers provide the same programmer's interface as outlined in the following sections.

Wrapped IP System Integration

Based on your use case, use one of the provided wrappers or create a wrapper for your system bus type. For an example of how to integrate the wishbone wrapper:


Wrappers with DFT support

Wrappers in the directory /hdl/rtl/bus_wrappers/DFT have an extra input port sc_testmode to disable the clock gate whenever the scan chain testmode is enabled.

External IO interfaces

IO name Direction Width Description
miso input 1 Master In Slave Out; this line carries data from the slave device to the master.
mosi output 1 Master Out Slave In; this line carries data from the master device to the slave.
csb output 1 Chip Select Bar; this signal selects the slave device to communicate with, typically active low.
sclk output 1 Serial Clock; this provides the clock signal that synchronizes data transfer between master and slave devices.

Interrupt Request Line (irq)

This IP generates interrupts on specific events, which are described in the Interrupt Flags section bellow. The IRQ port should be connected to the system interrupt controller.

Implementation example

The following table is the result for implementing the EF_SPI IP with different wrappers using Sky130 HD library and OpenLane2 flow.

Module Number of cells Max. freq

The Programmer's Interface


Name Offset Reset Value Access Mode Description
RXDATA 0000 0x00000000 r RX Data register; the interface to the Receive FIFO.
TXDATA 0004 0x00000000 w TX Data register; ; the interface to the Receive FIFO.
CFG 0008 0x00000000 w Configuration Register.
CTRL 000c 0x00000000 w Control Register.
PR 0010 0x00000002 w SPI clock Prescaler; should have a value >= 2. SPI Clock Frequency = System Clock / PR.
STATUS 0014 0x00000000 r Status resgister
RX_FIFO_LEVEL fe00 0x00000000 r RX_FIFO Level Register
RX_FIFO_THRESHOLD fe04 0x00000000 w RX_FIFO Level Threshold Register
RX_FIFO_FLUSH fe08 0x00000000 w RX_FIFO Flush Register
TX_FIFO_LEVEL fe10 0x00000000 r TX_FIFO Level Register
TX_FIFO_THRESHOLD fe14 0x00000000 w TX_FIFO Level Threshold Register
TX_FIFO_FLUSH fe18 0x00000000 w TX_FIFO Flush Register
IM ff00 0x00000000 w Interrupt Mask Register; write 1/0 to enable/disable interrupts; check the interrupt flags table for more details
RIS ff08 0x00000000 w Raw Interrupt Status; reflects the current interrupts status;check the interrupt flags table for more details
MIS ff04 0x00000000 w Masked Interrupt Status; On a read, this register gives the current masked status value of the corresponding interrupt. A write has no effect; check the interrupt flags table for more details
IC ff0c 0x00000000 w Interrupt Clear Register; On a write of 1, the corresponding interrupt (both raw interrupt and masked interrupt, if enabled) is cleared; check the interrupt flags table for more details
GCLK ff10 0x00000000 w Gated clock enable; 1: enable clock, 0: disable clock

RXDATA Register [Offset: 0x0, mode: r]

RX Data register; the interface to the Receive FIFO.

TXDATA Register [Offset: 0x4, mode: w]

TX Data register; ; the interface to the Receive FIFO.

CFG Register [Offset: 0x8, mode: w]

Configuration Register.

bit field name width description
0 cpol 1 SPI Clock Polarity.
1 cpha 1 SPI Clock Phase.

CTRL Register [Offset: 0xc, mode: w]

Control Register.

bit field name width description
0 SS 1 Slave Select (Active High).
1 enable 1 enable spi master pulse generation
2 rx_en 1 enable storing bytes recieved from slave

PR Register [Offset: 0x10, mode: w]

SPI clock Prescaler; should have a value >= 2. SPI Clock Frequency = System Clock / PR.

STATUS Register [Offset: 0x14, mode: r]

Status resgister

bit field name width description
0 TX_E 1 Transmit FIFO is Empty.
1 TX_F 1 Transmit FIFO is Full.
2 RX_E 1 Receive FIFO is Empty.
3 RX_F 1 Receive FIFO is Full.
4 TX_B 1 Transmit FIFO level is Below Threshold.
5 RX_A 1 Receive FIFO level is Above Threshold.
6 busy 1 spi busy flag.
7 done 1 spi done flag.

RX_FIFO_LEVEL Register [Offset: 0xfe00, mode: r]

RX_FIFO Level Register

bit field name width description
0 level 4 FIFO data level

RX_FIFO_THRESHOLD Register [Offset: 0xfe04, mode: w]

RX_FIFO Level Threshold Register

bit field name width description
0 threshold 4 FIFO level threshold value

RX_FIFO_FLUSH Register [Offset: 0xfe08, mode: w]

RX_FIFO Flush Register

bit field name width description
0 flush 1 FIFO flush

TX_FIFO_LEVEL Register [Offset: 0xfe10, mode: r]

TX_FIFO Level Register

bit field name width description
0 level 4 FIFO data level

TX_FIFO_THRESHOLD Register [Offset: 0xfe14, mode: w]

TX_FIFO Level Threshold Register

bit field name width description
0 threshold 4 FIFO level threshold value

TX_FIFO_FLUSH Register [Offset: 0xfe18, mode: w]

TX_FIFO Flush Register

bit field name width description
0 flush 1 FIFO flush

GCLK Register [Offset: 0xff10, mode: w]

Gated clock enable register

bit field name width description
0 gclk_enable 1 Gated clock enable; 1: enable clock, 0: disable clock

Interrupt Flags

The wrapped IP provides four registers to deal with interrupts: IM, RIS, MIS and IC. These registers exist for all wrapper types.

Each register has a group of bits for the interrupt sources/flags.

  • IM [offset: 0xff00]: is used to enable/disable interrupt sources.

  • RIS [offset: 0xff08]: has the current interrupt status (interrupt flags) whether they are enabled or disabled.

  • MIS [offset: 0xff04]: is the result of masking (ANDing) RIS by IM.

  • IC [offset: 0xff0c]: is used to clear an interrupt flag.

The following are the bit definitions for the interrupt registers:

Bit Flag Width Description
0 TXE 1 Transmit FIFO is Empty.
1 TXF 1 Transmit FIFO is Full.
2 RXE 1 Receive FIFO is Empty.
3 RXF 1 Receive FIFO is Full.
4 TXB 1 Transmit FIFO level is Below Threshold.
5 RXA 1 Receive FIFO level is Above Threshold.

Clock Gating

The IP includes a clock gating feature that allows selective activation and deactivation of the clock using the GCLK register. This capability is implemented through the ef_util_gating_cell module, which is part of the common modules library, ef_util_lib.v. By default, the clock gating is disabled. To enable behavioral implmentation clock gating, only for simulation purposes, you should define the CLKG_GENERIC macro. Alternatively, define the CLKG_SKY130_HD macro if you wish to use the SKY130 HD library clock gating cell, sky130_fd_sc_hd__dlclkp_4.

Note: If you choose the OpenLane2 flow for implementation and would like to enable the clock gating feature, you need to add CLKG_SKY130_HD macro to the VERILOG_DEFINES configuration variable. Update OpenLane2 YAML configuration file as follows:


Firmware Drivers:

Firmware drivers for EF_SPI can be found in the Drivers directory in the EFIS (Efabless Firmware Interface Standard) repo. EF_SPI driver documentation is available here. You can also find an example C application using the EF_SPI drivers here.


You can install the IP either by cloning this repository or by using IPM.

1. Using IPM:

  • [Optional] If you do not have IPM installed, follow the installation guide here
  • After installing IPM, execute the following command ipm install EF_SPI.

Note: This method is recommended as it automatically installs EF_IP_UTIL as a dependency.

2. Cloning this repo:

  • Clone EF_IP_UTIL repository, which includes the required modules from the common modules library, ef_util_lib.v. git clone
  • Clone the IP repository git clone

The Wrapped IP Interface

NOTE: This section is intended for advanced users who wish to gain more information about the interface of the wrapped IP, in case they want to create their own wrappers.

Module Parameters

Parameter Description Default Value
CDW The width of the clock divider used to generate the SPI clock. 8
FAW Log2 of the FIFO depth. 4


Port Direction Width Description
miso input 1 Master In Slave Out; this line carries data from the slave device to the master.
mosi output 1 Master Out Slave In; this line carries data from the master device to the slave.
csb output 1 Chip Select Bar; this signal selects the slave device to communicate with, typically active low.
sclk output 1 Serial Clock; this provides the clock signal that synchronizes data transfer between master and slave devices.
CPOL input 1 SPI Clock Polarity.
CPHA input 1 SPI CLock Phase.
clk_divider input CDW The SPI clock divider; SPI clock frequency = System Clock Frequency / clk_divider.
wr input 1 Write to the TX FIFO.
rd input 1 Read from the RX FIFO.
datai input 8 Data to place into the TX FIFO.
datao output 8 Data from the RX FIFO.
rx_en input 1 Enable the RX FIFO.
rx_flush input 1 Flush the RX FIFO.
rx_threshold input FAW RX FIFO level threshold.
rx_empty output 1 RX FIFO is empty.
rx_full output 1 RX FIFO is full.
rx_level_above output 1 RX FIFO level is above the threshold.
rx_level output FAW RX FIFO data level.
tx_flush input 1 Flush the TX FIFO.
tx_threshold input FAW TX FIFO level threshold.
tx_empty output 1 TX FIFO is empty.
tx_full output 1 TX FIFO is full.
tx_level_below output 1 TX FIFO level is below trhe threshold.
tx_level output FAW TX FIFO data level.
ss input 1 None
enable input 1 enable for spi master pulse generation
done output 1 spi done flag.
busy output 1 spi busy flag.