An online platform for booking local artists and DJ's for your events.
- David
- Aygerim
- Vu
- Ed
- Node (latest)
- Postgresql (latest)
- React (latest)
- Express (latest)
From within the root directory:
npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
Install postgres on your computer via homebrew or through any of the downloads from the postgres website
To access postgres locally from your terminal, run:
psql -U postgres
The above assumes that your username is postgres when connecting to postgres via psql. Your computer's password to connect to the psql might vary, so make sure to check knexfile.js in the root directory and database/index.js file and make sure the username, password, and port are applicable to your local machine
Once you're connected, run:
Then in a separate terminal in the root directory, run:
npm run dbSetup
This will run the knex migrations and seeds folder to populate the tables in the database
After completing these steps, your database and tables will be correctly populated with artists from SF, NY, and LA
Whenever you make a change to your database (adding tables, changing columns), you will have to re-do all the above steps, starting from DROP DATABASE artists;
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.