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Restructure acdc_ and pf_ .R script files for easier editing.
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edwardlavender committed Aug 21, 2021
1 parent 954665c commit 9741272
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Showing 26 changed files with 1,585 additions and 1,595 deletions.
466 changes: 466 additions & 0 deletions R/acdc_analyse_record.R

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129 changes: 129 additions & 0 deletions R/acdc_simplify.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
#### acdc_simplify()

#' @title Simplify the outputs of the AC/DC algorithms
#' @description This function simplifies the output of \code{\link[flapper]{ac}}, \code{\link[flapper]{dc}} and \code{\link[flapper]{acdc}}, by processing information from the 'archive' elements of a \code{\link[flapper]{acdc_archive-class}} object that hold the results of calls to the workhorse routines. This is especially useful if the algorithm(s) have been applied chunk-wise, in which case the results for each chunk are returned in a list. The function aggregates information across chunks to generate a continuous time series of results and a map of where the individual could have spend more or less time over the entire time series.
#' @param archive An \code{\link[flapper]{acdc_archive-class}} object returned by \code{\link[flapper]{ac}}, \code{\link[flapper]{dc}} or \code{\link[flapper]{acdc}}.
#' @param type A character that defines whether the function should be implemented for the outputs of a call to an AC* algorithm (\code{\link[flapper]{ac}} or \code{\link[flapper]{acdc}}), in which case \code{type = "acs"}, or the DC algorithm, in which case \code{type = "dc"}.
#' @param mask (optional) A spatial mask (e.g., the argument passed to \code{bathy} in \code{\link[flapper]{ac}}, \code{\link[flapper]{dc}} or \code{\link[flapper]{acdc}}) to mask areas (e.g., land) from the overall map. If implemented, cells in masked areas are assigned NAs rather than a score of 0.
#' @param normalise A logical input that defines whether or not to normalise the overall map so that cell scores sum to one.
#' @param keep_chunks A logical variable that defines whether or not to retain all chunk-specific information.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (none implemented).
#' @return The function returns an object of class \code{\link[flapper]{acdc_record-class}}.
#' @details If the \code{\link[flapper]{ac}}, \code{\link[flapper]{dc}} or \code{\link[flapper]{acdc}} function was implemented step-wise, this function simply extracts the necessary information and re-packages it into an \code{\link[flapper]{acdc_record-class}} object. For a chunk-wise implementation, the function (a) computes the map of where the individual could have spent more or less time by aggregating the chunk-specific maps (accounting for the overlap between chunks for AC* algorithm(s)); (b) simplifies chunk-specific records into a single contiguous time series, with re-defined time stamps from the start to the end of the time series (for AC* algorithm(s)) to (c) return an \code{\link[flapper]{acdc_record-class}} object.
#' @seealso The AC, DC and ACDC algorithms are implemented by \code{\link[flapper]{ac}}, \code{\link[flapper]{dc}} and \code{\link[flapper]{acdc}}. After simplification, \code{\link[flapper]{acdc_plot_record}} and \code{\link[flapper]{acdc_animate_record}} can be implemented to visualise time-specific results.
#' @author Edward Lavender
#' @export

acdc_simplify <- function(archive, type = c("acs", "dc"), mask = NULL, normalise = FALSE, keep_chunks = FALSE,...) {

#### Checks
if(!(inherits(archive, "acdc_archive") | !inherits(archive, "acdc_record"))){
stop("Object of class 'acdc_archive' expected.")
if(inherits(archive, "acdc_archive")) {
"class(archive) == 'acdc_archive': 'archive' returned unchanged."
type <- match.arg(type)
message("acdc_simplify() implemented for type = '", type, "'.")

#### Set up
out <- list(map = NULL, record = NULL, time = archive$time, args = archive$args, chunks = NULL, simplify = TRUE)

#### Simplify extract outputs the algorithm has only been implemented for a single chunk
if(length(archive$archive) == 1){

out$map <- archive$archive[[1]]$map
out$record <- archive$archive[[1]]$record

#### Otherwise aggregate information across chunks
} else{

if(type == "dc"){

#### Get cumulative map from each chunk
maps <- lapply(archive$archive, function(chunk) chunk$map)

#### Simplify records
out$record <- lapply(archive$archive, function(chunk) chunk$record)

} else if(type == "acs"){

#### Get cumulative map from each chunk
# Get the first map of each chunk
maps_first <- lapply(archive$archive, function(chunk) {
map_1 <- chunk$record[[1]]$spatial[[1]]$map_timestep
if(is.null(map_1)) {
stop("chunk$record[[1]]$spatial[[1]]$map_timestep is NULL. In flapper::acdc(), save_record_spatial = 1L (or greater/NULL) is required to return the necessary spatial information to correct for overlapping detection time series across chunks in the summation of chunk-specific maps.")
# Get the cumulative map from each chunk
maps_last <- lapply(archive$archive, function(chunk) chunk$map)
# Correct for the repeated influence of the first map due to the overlapping detection time series
maps <- lapply(2:length(maps_last), function(i){
map <- sum(maps_last[[i]], -maps_first[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
# Create the list of cumulative (adjusted) maps
maps <- append(list(maps_last[[1]]), maps)

#### Simplify records
## Add chunk-specific records
out$record <- lapply(archive$archive, function(chunk) chunk$record)
## Delete the last element of each chunk (except the last chunk) since chunks are overlapping
out$record <- lapply(out$record, function(chunk) chunk[1:(length(chunk)-1)])
## Define a dataframe to adjust the time stamps recorded for each chunks
# For chunks 2:n_chunks, we will add the time stamps reached by the previous chunk
# ... up to the current chunk
adjust_timestep <- lapply(out$record, function(chunk_record){
# chunk_record <- out$record[[1]]
dat <- chunk_record[[length(chunk_record)]]$dat
adjustment <- dat[nrow(dat), c("timestep_cumulative", "timestep_detection")]
adjust_timestep <-, adjust_timestep)
adjust_timestep$timestep_cumulative <- cumsum(adjust_timestep$timestep_cumulative)
adjust_timestep$timestep_detection <- cumsum(adjust_timestep$timestep_detection)
## Adjust time stamps and add the chunk to the dataframe for each time stamp
out$record <- lapply(1:length(out$record), function(i) {
chunk_record <- out$record[[i]]
if(i == 1) {
adjustment <- data.frame(timestep_cumulative = 0, timestep_detection = 0)
} else{
adjustment <- adjust_timestep[i-1, ]
chunk_record <- lapply(chunk_record, function(t){
t$dat$timestep_cumulative <- t$dat$timestep_cumulative + adjustment$timestep_cumulative
t$dat$timestep_detection <- t$dat$timestep_detection + adjustment$timestep_detection
t$dat$chunk <- i

#### Sum the adjusted maps across chunks
out$map <- raster::brick(maps)
out$map <- raster::calc(out$map, sum, na.rm = TRUE)

#### Flatten record list across chunks
out$record <- purrr::flatten(out$record)


#### Mask and normalise the final map
if(!is.null(mask)) out$map <- raster::mask(out$map, mask)
if(normalise) out$map <- out$map/raster::cellStats(out$map, "sum")

#### Keep chunk-specific information, if requested
if(keep_chunks) out$chunks <- archive$archive

#### Return outputs
class(out) <- c(class(out), "acdc_record")


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