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Fix new issue in process_false_detections_sf() example
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edwardlavender committed Aug 29, 2023
1 parent ff3ea17 commit 3e8d752
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68 changes: 37 additions & 31 deletions R/processing.R
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Expand Up @@ -141,52 +141,58 @@ process_receiver_id <-
#' @return The function returns a vector, of the same length as \code{det} with three possible values: NA, which identifies detections which have not been flagged as false detections (i.e., \code{passed_filter = 0}, see \code{\link[glatos]{false_detections}}) and are therefore not passed through the spatial filter; 1, which identifies detections which `passed' the spatial filter (i.e., false detections which are accompanied by detections at nearby receivers within the defined spatial and temporal thresholds); or 0, which defines detections which `failed' the spatial filter (i.e., false detections which are not accompanied by detections at nearby receivers within the defined spatial and temporal thresholds). This vector has one attribute, `details', a dataframe with the same number of rows as \code{det} with the following columns: `passed_filter_sf', `n_wn_sf', `detection_timestamp_utc_sf' and `receiver_sn_sf'. `passed_filter_sf' takes a value of NA, 0 or 1 depending on whether or not the detection was flagged as a false detection (if not, NA) and whether each false detection passed the spatial filter (no, 0; yes, 1). If the detection did pass the spatial filter, `n_wn_sf' provides the number of detections at nearby receivers within \code{tf} and \code{sf}; and `detection_timestamp_utc_sf', `receiver_sn_sf' and `dist_sf' define the timestamp of the detection at the nearest receiver, the receiver at which the detection was made and the distance between the two receivers respectively.
#' @examples
#' #### Add some false detections for demonstration purposes
#' # Add three rows to dat_acoustics which, below, we'll make 'false detections'
#' dat_acoustics_with_false_det <-
#' rbind(dat_acoustics, dat_acoustics[rep(nrow(dat_acoustics), 3), ])
#' pos_false <- (nrow(dat_acoustics_with_false_det) - 2):nrow(dat_acoustics_with_false_det)
#' # Add an isolated detection accompanied by a detection at a nearby receiver
#' dat_acoustics_with_false_det$timestamp[pos_false[1:2]] <-
#' dat_acoustics_with_false_det$timestamp[pos_false[1:2]] + 60 * 60 * 60
#' dat_acoustics_with_false_det$receiver_id[pos_false[2]] <- 33
#' # Add an isolated detection not accompanied by a detection at a nearby receiver
#' dat_acoustics_with_false_det$timestamp[pos_false[3]] <-
#' dat_acoustics_with_false_det$timestamp[pos_false[3]] + 60 * 60 * 60 * 2
#' #### Define necessary columns to compute false detections using glatos::false_detections()
#' dat_acoustics_with_false_det$detection_timestamp_utc <-
#' dat_acoustics_with_false_det$timestamp
#' dat_acoustics_with_false_det$transmitter_codespace <-
#' substr(dat_acoustics_with_false_det$transmitter_id, 1, 8)
#' dat_acoustics_with_false_det$transmitter_id <-
#' substr(dat_acoustics_with_false_det$transmitter_id, 10, 13)
#' dat_acoustics_with_false_det$receiver_sn <- dat_acoustics_with_false_det$receiver_id
#' det <- dat_acoustics_with_false_det[, c(
#' det <- dat_acoustics[dat_acoustics$individual_id == 25, ]
#' stopifnot(!is.unsorted(det$timestamp))
#' det$detection_timestamp_utc <- det$timestamp
#' det$transmitter_codespace <- substr(det$transmitter_id, 1, 8)
#' det$transmitter_id <- substr(det$transmitter_id, 10, 13)
#' det$receiver_sn <- det$receiver_id
#' det <- det[, c(
#' "detection_timestamp_utc",
#' "transmitter_codespace",
#' "transmitter_id",
#' "receiver_sn"
#' )]
#' #### Compute false detections
#' # 3 false detections returned, as expected:
#' #### Clean false detections from 'raw' data
#' det <- glatos::false_detections(det, tf = 3600)
#' det <- det[det$passed_filter == 1, ]
#' det$passed_filter <- NULL
#' det$min_lag <- NULL
#' #### Add 'new' false detections for demonstration purposes
#' # Add three rows to `det` which, below, we'll make 'false detections'
#' det <- rbind(det, det[rep(nrow(det), 3), ])
#' pos_false <- (nrow(det) - 2):nrow(det)
#' # Add an isolated detection accompanied by a detection at a nearby receiver
#' det$detection_timestamp_utc[pos_false[1:2]] <-
#' det$detection_timestamp_utc[pos_false[1:2]] + 60 * 60 * 60
#' det$receiver_sn[pos_false[2]] <- 52
#' # Add an isolated detection not accompanied by a detection at a nearby receiver
#' det$detection_timestamp_utc[pos_false[3]] <-
#' det$detection_timestamp_utc[pos_false[3]] + 60 * 60 * 60 * 2

#### Identify false detections
# 3 false detections returned, as expected:
#' det <- glatos::false_detections(det, tf = 3600)
#' stopifnot(length(which(det$passed_filter == 0)) == 3L)
#' tail(det$passed_filter)
#' #### Pass false detections through a spatial filter
#' # distances between receivers are required
#' ##### Implement spatial filter
#' # Calculate distances between receivers
#' # * For simplicity, here, we ignore differences in deployment timing
#' dist_btw_receivers_km <-
#' dist_btw_receivers(dat_moorings[, c("receiver_id", "receiver_long", "receiver_lat")])
#' # Implement spatial filter.
#' # Note the function returns a vector, unlike glatos::false_detections():
#' det$passed_filter_sf <- process_false_detections_sf(det,
#' tf = 3600,
#' sf = 0.5,
#' dist_btw_receivers = dist_btw_receivers_km
#' )
#' det$passed_filter_sf <-
#' process_false_detections_sf(det,
#' tf = 3600,
#' sf = 0.5,
#' dist_btw_receivers = dist_btw_receivers_km)
#' # Only the last observation failed the spatial filter, as expected:
#' tail(det$passed_filter_sf)
#' stopifnot(which(det$passed_filter_sf == 0) == nrow(det))
#' # Additional information is available from the attributes dataframe:
#' tail(attr(det$passed_filter_sf, "details"))
Expand Down
65 changes: 34 additions & 31 deletions man/process_false_detections_sf.Rd

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