Your task is to implement the following, using GCP for deployment:
- You should fetch 100 movies from the OMDB API. It's up to you what kind of movies
you will get.
Movies should be saved in the database.
This method should be run only once if the database is empty.
- The api should have a method that returns a list of movies from the database
- There should be option to set how many records are returned in single API
response (by default 10)
There should be pagination implemented in the backend
Data should be ordered by Title
The api should have a method that returns a single movie from the database
There should be option to get the movie by title
The api should have a method to add a movie to the database
Title should be provided in request
All movie details should be fetched from OMDB API and saved in the database
The api should have a method to remove a movie from the database
There should be option to remove movie with it's id
This method should be protected so only authorized user can perform this action