This is a collection of Conan recipes for uProtocol C++ libraries. For each uP package, two recipes are provided: release and developer.
The release recipes aim to provide a repeatable way to build all tagged releases of the various uProtocol libraries. They pull the source archive for a given tag from github, confirm the checksum, and build the package.
The developer packages are intended to support arbitrary builds for developers. They will, by default, clone eclipse-uprotocol/[repo] and build the main branch. Conan options can be provided to override the fork and commit that are checked out and built.
With Conan 2:
conan create --version 1.6.0-alpha4 --build=missing up-core-api/release/
conan create --version 1.0.1 --build=missing up-cpp/release/
conan create --version 1.0.0-rc3 --build=missing up-transport-zenoh-cpp/release/
The default fork and checkout commit can be overridden with -o fork=[fork]
-o commitish=[commit/branch/tag]
With Conan 2:
conan create --version 1.6.1-dev --build=missing up-core-api/developer/
conan create --version 1.1.0-dev --build=missing up-cpp/developer/
conan create --version 1.0.0-dev --build=missing up-transport-zenoh-cpp/developer/
conan create --version 1.0.0-dev --build=missing up-transport-socket-cpp/developer/
Note that developer recipes will generally only support recent commits in a library's repo. Older releases are available through the release recipes.
When changing fork or commit-ish for developer builds, it will be necessary to
first remove the any existing copies of the target package. For example, up-cpp
would be removed with conan remove 'up-cpp'
At time of writing, conan packages were not available for zenoh-c and zenoh-cpp. They are prerequisites for the up-transport-zenoh-cpp packages. With Conan 2:
conan create --version 1.2.1 zenohc-tmp/prebuilt
conan create --version 1.2.1 zenohcpp-tmp/from-source
cd tools/ubuntu-24.04-docker/
# Build packages here