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earnaud authored May 7, 2019
1 parent 41d1e50 commit 2112920
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Showing 14 changed files with 804 additions and 10 deletions.
58 changes: 48 additions & 10 deletions shinyApp/main.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,26 +4,64 @@ setwd(dirname(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path))

### IMPORTS ###



# IM: Id Modules - first: session - last: output id - others: intermediary id
IM.navTree = c("navTreeModule", "navTree", "navTreeSelect","navPath","navSearch")
IM.doc = c("docModule", "Documentation", "docSelect","docPath","docSearch")
# IM.doc = c("fillModule", "Fill")

### UI ###
ui <- fluidPage(

tabPanel("Fill", "Nothing yet"),
tabPanel("Documentation", navTreeUI(IM.navTree[1], IM = IM.navTree))
ui <- dashboardPage(dashboardHeader(title = "MetaShARK"),
## Menus ##
menuItem("Generate EML", tabName = "generate", icon = icon("file")),
menuItem("Fill in EML", tabName = "fill", icon = icon("file-import")),
menuItem("EML Documentation", tabName = "documentation", icon = icon("glasses")),
menuItem("About MetaShARK", tabName = "about", icon = icon("beer"))
## Content ##
tabItem(tabName = "generate"),
tabItem(tabName = "fill"),
tabItem(tabName = "documentation",
docUI(IM.doc[1], IM = IM.doc)),
tabItem(tabName = "about")

# ui <- fluidPage(
# # Styling and other user-friendly settings
# tags$head(
# tags$style(
# HTML("
# pre {
# white-space: pre-wrap;
# word-break: keep-all;
# }
# ")
# )
# ),
# tabsetPanel(
# tabPanel("Fill", "Nothing yet"),
# tabPanel("Documentation", )
# )
# )

### SERVER ###
server <- function(input,output,session){

# modules called
output <- callModule(documentation, IM.doc[1], IM = IM.doc)
# callModule(fill, IM.fill[1], IM = IM.fill)

### APP LAUNCH ###
Expand Down
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions shinyApp/modules/documentation/documentation.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
### documentation.R

# Imports

# Guidelines
cat("Loading Guidelines: \n")
cat("* Loading Doc Guideline ...\r")
docGuideline = as.list(readRDS("resources/docGuideline.RData"))
cat("* Doc Guideline successfully loaded !\n")
cat("* Loading System Guideline ...\r")
systemGuideline = as.list(readRDS("resources/systemGuideline.RData"))
cat("* System Guideline successfully loaded !\n")

# UI functions
docUI <- function(id, IM){
ns <- NS(id)

# UI output
# search sidebar
box(shinyTree(outputId = ns(IM[2]), # render tree
search = TRUE),
width = 12
, style = sidebarStyle
# display main panel
div(box(uiOutput( ns(IM[4]) ), # XPath
uiOutput( ns(IM[3]) ), # Documentation
width = 12
, style = mainpanelStyle

# Server functions
documentation <- function(input, output, session, IM, tree = docGuideline){

# render tree
output[[IM[2]]] <- renderTree(tree)

# output selected node
output[[IM[3]]] <- renderText({
jstree <- input[[IM[2]]]
if (is.null(jstree)){
} else{
node <- get_selected(tree = jstree)
if(length(node) == 0)
return("(Select a node first)")
docPath <- gsub("^/","",
paste(attr(node[[1]], "ancestry"), collapse="/"),
output[[IM[4]]] <- renderText(as.character(h3(docPath)))

# fetch the systemGuideLine path in the userGuideLine list
systemPath <- followPath(tree, docPath)

systemPath <- commonPath(systemPath,unlist(node))
# return(userPath)

# fetch the eml-xsd content in the systemGuideLine list
systemContent <- followPath(systemGuideline, systemPath)
out <- extractContent(systemContent)


210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions shinyApp/modules/documentation/documentation_functions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
# documentation_functions.R

# --- UI display

# extracts the targetted EML content from a list
extractContent <- function(content){
# modules annotation is stored in 'eml-module/schema'
if(any(grepl("schema", attr(content,"names"))))
content <- content[[which(grepl("schema",attr(content,"names")))]]
if(any(grepl("annotation", attr(content,"names")))){

## content
out <- unlist(content[grepl("annotation", attr(content, "names"))])
# preprocess 'ulink' tags that require their URL attributes (R-Attributes needed)
ulinks.ind = which(grepl("ulink", attr(out, "names"))) # ulinks are always structured the same way
# browser()
out[ ulinks.ind[1:length(ulinks.ind) %% 3 == 1] ] <- paste(out[ ulinks.ind[1:length(ulinks.ind) %% 3 == 1] ], # raw text
out[ ulinks.ind[1:length(ulinks.ind) %% 3 == 2] ], # URL
sep = "[RECOGNIZED]")
out <- out[!grepl("R-Attributes", attr(out, "names"))]
out <- sapply(out, gsub, pattern = " +", replacement = " ")

## titles
attr(out, "names") <- gsub("\\.[0-9]+_$","", attr(out, "names"))
attr(out, "names") <- gsub("^.*_","", attr(out, "names"))
attr(out, "names") <- gsub("([a-z])([A-Z])","\\1 \\2", attr(out, "names"))

#- reorganizing
out <- nt.titles(out, list(remove = "emphasis",
remove = "citetitle",
replace = "module Name",
moveback = "documentation",
tocode = "literal Layout",
use = "title",
use = "para",
addurl = "ulink"))

out <- sapply(seq_along(out),
if(attr(out,"names")[o] %in% c("recommended Usage",
"stand Alone"))
return(paste(tags$b(attr(out, "names")[o]),
":", out[o],
sep = " "))
return(paste(h2(attr(out, "names")[o]),
sep = "\n"))

return(paste0(out, sep = "<br>"))
return(paste0(tags$b("See also: "),
else {
return("No content found")

# Apply @action on elements from @vec named after @targets
nt.titles <- function(vec, action_target){

# parse args
action = attr(action_target, "names")[match(target, action_target)]

# validity check
possibleActions <- c("remove","replace","moveback",
"tocode", "use", "addurl")
if(!any(sapply(possibleActions, grepl, action)))
stop("Action not recognized, must be one of those:\n",
paste(possibleActions,sep=" "))

#--- process - The commands are executed one by one as the rest of
# the list is processed automatically
targeted <- which(attr(vec,"names") %in% target)
if(length(targeted) > 0){

# remove unwanted
if(action == "remove"){
for(i in targeted){
j = i-1
while(j %in% targeted) j <- j-1
vec[j] <- paste(vec[j], tags$cite(vec[i]), vec[i+1], sep = " ")
vec <- vec[-c(targeted, targeted+1)]

# replace names
if(action == "replace"){
attr(vec, "names")[targeted] <- vec[targeted]
vec[targeted] <- ""

# move back the section
if(action == "moveback"){
vec <- c(vec[-targeted], vec[targeted])

# change literalLayout to code tag
if(action == "tocode"){
attr(vec,"names")[targeted] <- ""
for(t in targeted)
vec[t] <- as.character(pre(code(vec[t])))

# use the section name as HTML tag
if(action == "use"){
attr(vec,"names")[targeted] <- ""

if(target == "title")
vec[targeted] <- HTML(as.character(

if(target == "p")
vec[targeted] <- p(vec[targeted])

if(action == "addurl"){
# browser()
work <- unlist(strsplit(vec[targeted],
split = "\\[RECOGNIZED]"))
work[1] <- gsub("\n", "", work[1])
vec[targeted] <- HTML(as.character(
href = work[2])
# empirical: ulink never occurs as first element, neither as last
vec[targeted-1] <- paste(vec[(targeted-1):(targeted+1)],
collapse = " ")
vec <- vec[-c(targeted, targeted+1)]
#--- end of process

# commit changes to vec
vec <<- vec
# end of nt.titles


# Extract the path made common from every leaf path
commonPath <- function(li,name){
paths <- unlist(li)
paths <- sapply(paths, strsplit, split = "/")
minLength <- min(sapply(paths, length))
minInd <- min(sapply(paths, function(path){
length(which(path[1:minLength] == paths[[1]][1:minLength]))
common <- paste(paths[[1]][1:minInd], collapse = "/")
# browser()
common <- gsub(paste0("(",
gsub("(.*_| )",

# --- List handling

# Takes a hierarchy list (tree), a path written in a vector pasted
# with sep = @ep, and returns the leaf
# @param tree: explored hierarchy list thanks to @path
# @param path: vector of characters matching some of @tree names and
# separated with @sep
# @param sep: separators between @path elements (aka @tree names)
followPath <- function(tree, path, sep = "/"){
# Validity checks
if(is.null(tree) || is.null(path))
stop("'tree' and 'path' args must be specified")
if(length(path) > 1)
stop("path shall be a vector of characters")
if(sep == "")
stop("path can't be parsed with @sep")

path <- unlist(path)

# Processing
path <- unlist(strsplit(path,sep))
path = path[!path == "Root"]

while(length(path) != 0){
tree <- tree[[ path[1] ]]
path = path[-1]


# check if one of the children of the input list is a list
has_child <- function(li){
if(!is.list(li)) return(FALSE)
return(any(sapply(li, is.list)))
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions shinyApp/modules/documentation/documentation_style.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# documentation_style.R
# Style sheet for NavTree module

sidebarStyle = "overflow-y: scroll;
max-height: 800px;"

mainpanelStyle = "overflow-y: scroll;
max-height: 800px;"

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