Just for a collection. I do not work on this topic.
49,357 images of 776 vehicles from 20 cameras. Like Market-1501 protocol.
The VeRi dataset is divided into a training subset containing 37,781 images of 576 subjects and a testing subset with 13,257 images of 200 subjects.then a query set containing 1,678 images of 200 subjects and a gallery including 11,579 image of 200 subjects are finally obtained.
90,196 images of 10,319 vehicles. Only two camera views??
with attribute.
47,123 images from two cameras & lablled on pair.
no ID lablled.
136,726 + 27,618 images of 1,716 cars with attributes. After crop, 136,713.
16,185 images of 196 classes.
VR-PROUD: Vehicle Re-identification using PROgressive Unsupervised Deep architecture (PR) paper
Embedding Adversarial Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification (IP) paper
Vehicle Re-Identification Using Quadruple Directional Deep Learning Features (TITS) pdf
Viewpoint-aware Attentive Multi-view Inference for Vehicle Re-identification (CVPR) pdf
Unsupervised Vehicle Re-Identification using Triplet Networks (CVPR workshop) pdf
Vehicle Re-Identification with the Space-Time Prior (CVPR workshop) pdf
Fast vehicle identification via ranked semantic sampling based embedding (IJCAI) pdf
Vehicle re-identification by deep hidden multi-view inference (IP) paper
Ram: a region-aware deep model for vehicle re-identification (ICME) pdf
Learning Coarse-to-Fine Structured Feature Embedding for Vehicle Re-Identification (AAAI) pdf
PROVID- Progressive and Multimodal Vehicle Reidentification for Large-Scale Urban Surveillance (MM) paper
Group Sensitive Triplet Embedding for Vehicle Re-identification (MM) paper
VP-ReID: vehicle and person re-identification system (ACMMM) paper
Orientation Invariant Feature Embedding and Spatial Temporal Regularization for Vehicle Re-Identification (ICCV) pdf
Learning Deep Neural Networks for Vehicle Re-ID With Visual-Spatio-Temporal Path Proposals (ICCV) pdf
Exploiting Multi-Grain Ranking Constraints for Precisely Searching Visually-similar Vehicles (ICCV) pdf
Improving triplet-wise training of convolutional neural network for vehicle re-identification (ICME) paper
Deep hashing with multi-task learning for large-scale instance-level vehicle search (ICME workshop) paper
Multi-modal metric learning for vehicle re-identification in traffic surveillance environment paper
Vehicle re-identification by fusing multiple deep neural networks paper
Vehicle Re-Identification for Automatic Video Traffic Surveillance (CVPR workshop) pdf
Deep Relative Distance Learning- Tell the Difference Between Similar Vehicles (CVPR) pdf
A Deep Learning-Based Approach to Progressive Vehicle Re-identification for Urban Surveillance (ECCV) paper
Large-Scale Vehicle Re-Identification in Urban Surveillance Videos (ICME) pdf
- Orientation Invariant Feature Embedding and Spatial Temporal Regularization for Vehicle Re-identification (ICCV2017)
Comments: Use multiple training sets.
- Learning Deep Neural Networks for Vehicle Re-ID with Visual-spatio-temporal Path Proposals (ICCV2017)
Comments: Add the time constraint.
- Exploiting Multi-Grain Ranking Constraints for Precisely Searching Visually-similar Vehicles (ICCV2017)
Comments: Propose a dataset.
Viewpoint-aware Attentive Multi-view Inference for Vehicle Re-identification (CVPR2018)
Group sensitive triplet embedding for vehicle re-identification (TMM)
Deep relative distance learning: Tell the difference between similar vehicles. (CVPR2016)
Coarse-to-fine: A RNN-based hierarchical attention model for vehicle re-identification. (ACCV2018) ~~