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A test suite for creating an accession in a simple database. Includes rudimentary tools to assign UUIDs, calculate SHA checksums and add files to the database (from a set of web-accessible folders (WAFs)). This initial pass at the problem is intended to create an emergency database that can easily be incorporated into a more mature product as one becomes available.


Ingest flow is anticipated to be as follows:

  1. A set of data is acquired, consisting of files arranged in some provider-defined directory structure. Files may be of any type. Metadata as txt, XML, or JSON files may or may not be present.
    In ISO-14721 terminology, this suite is termed a Submission Information Package (SIP).
  2. The SIP is assigned an accession number.
    1. The accession number is proposed to be of the form YYYYMMDDTHHMM=UUID, with the first thirteen digits indicating the date and time that the dataset was ingested into the system, an =-sign as separator, and the following digits are a universally unique identifier (UUID).
  3. The UUID (accession number) and accession-level metadata are stored in an accession information table, ultimately as a SQL database, initially in a TSV manifest. For the sake of redundancy and guarding against database corruption, the TSV manifest will be maintained.
  4. The SIP directory structure is read.
  5. Each subdirectory is also assigned a UUID, since each may represent a (related) dataset, e.g., CRUISE1/CTD, CRUISE1/ADCP.
  6. For each file in the SIP, the 384-bit Secure Hash Algorithm checksum, SHASUM-384, is calculated and the file inserted into a database structure, ${DATABASE}/ such that the path name of each file can be reduced to the SHASUM, e.g., a file with SHASUM-384 of 38b060a751ac96384cd9327eb1b1e36a21fdb71114be07434c0cc7bf63f6e1da274edebfe76f65fbd51ad2f14898b95b would be stored in the location
  7. The SHASUMs and original pathnames are recorded in the manifest as children of the accession ID.
  8. The TSV manifest is committed to a git repository.
    1. The manifest table has the parent accession ID, the sub-directory UUID, the file SHASUM, the original filename and path.
    2. Where is the metadata for the SIP? There should be
	Producer Title Abstract Date Time UUID Accession Fileslist


  1. Publication database is constructed by making symlinks to $DATABASE.
  2. Metadata database includes xlinks to $DATABASE.


See instructions in INGEST/ directory

Database Structure

The database structure as proposed is outlined below. A large proportion of this structure has not yet ben implemented, or has been implemented in a half-assed fashion, e.g., there is presently a missing level (DATA) in the directory tree which must still be corrected, and ARCHIVE is not populated as proposed.

|  |  |- ABOUT
|  |  |- DATA
|  |     |- 0-DATA
|  |     |  |- My special data set/
|  |     |     |- Bunch of directories with stupid names/
|  |     |     |- More stupidly named directories/
|  |     |        |- Worse - named-file'_s with bad! punctuation & spelling
|  |     |        |- A file with data in 
|  |     |        |- A file with no data in
|  |     |- 1-DATA
|  |        |- My_special_data_set/
|  |           |- Bunch_of_directories_with_stupid_names/
|  |           |- More_stupidly_named_directories/
|  |              |- Worse_-_named-file__s_with_bad__punctuation___spelling
|  |              |- A_file_with_data_in 
|  |              |- A_file_with_no_data_in
|  |  
|  |- yyyymmdd-uuid/
|  |  |- ABOUT
|  |  |- DATA
|  |     |- 0-DATA
|  |        |- Cruise 321/
|  |           |- CTD/
|  |           |- XBT/
|  |           |- Chlorophyll/
|  |           |  |- chladata.dat
|  |           |- chladata.xls
|  | 
|  |- 20150825T1254=3f9b441f-1e05-48e8-9d73-90dbd9123a0a
|- ARCHIVE               # permanent record of raw SIP data
|  |- yyyymmddThhmm-uuid.tar
|  |- 20150825T1254=3f9b441f-1e05-48e8-9d73-90dbd9123a0a.tar
.  .
.  .
.  .
|  |- 00/
|  |  |- 0001f0128adfea073e ... 12ff # shasum named file -
|  |                                 # this file has SHASUM-384 of
|  |                                 # 000001f0128adfea073e...12ff
|  |- 01/ 
.  .  .      
.  .  .      
.  .  .      
|  |- 38/
|  |  |- b060a751ac96384cd9327eb1b1e36a21fdb71114be07434c0cc7bf63f6e1da274edebfe76f65fbd51ad2f14898b95b
|  |- 39/
|  |- 3a/
.  .
.  .
.  .`
|  |- fe/
|  |- ff/ 
|- PUBLICDATA           # folder presented to clients; links from here point to the SHASUM database
|  |  |- ABOUT
|  |  |- 0-DATA
|  |     |- My special data set/
|  |        |- Bunch of directories with stupid names/
|  |        |- More stupidly named directories/
|  |           |- Worse - named-file'_s with bad! punctuation & spelling -> DATA/DATABASE/00/0001f0128...12ff
|  |           |- A file with data in -> DATA/DATABASE/6e/315526e9ec5d349196538bf01b00ec6d740d045cbd66...5771
|  |           |- A file with no data in -> DATA/DATABASE/38/b060a751ac96384cd9327eb1b1e36a21fdb71114b...b95b
|  |  
|  |- yyyymmddThhmm=uuid/
|  |  |- ABOUT
|  |  |- DATA
|  |     |- 0-DATA
|  |        |- Cruise 321/
|  |           |- CTD/
|  |           |- XBT/
|  |           |- Chlorophyll/
|  |              |- chladata.dat -> DATA/DATABASE/2d/91bec7158d942b3c7ed26a0b627f55d00ee8e0c0921283884d07...10a6
|  |              |- chladata.xls -> DATA/DATABASE/13/20013e3d0ad7728eb4cad4e6612fbada62761530b5387cbaf322...4686
|  |   
|  |- 20150825T1254=3f9b441f-1e05-48e8-9d73-90dbd9123a0a
|- UUIDLINKS/      # Each subdirectory (dataset) was assigned a UUID. These links point back to the directory in PUBLICDATA
|  |- 8584e980-889c-486f-88f8-ee94100c7608 -> DATA/PUBLICDATA/YYYYMMDDHHMM/
|  |- 3cd9cb29-fd07-4c89-b9aa-15b5cd56d850 -> DATA/PUBLICDATA/YYYYMMDDHHMM/My special data set/
|  |- 8a99c65a-3104-4bd1-9ca3-0218cbdc993c -> DATA/PUBLICDATA/YYYYMMDDHHMM/My special data set/Bunch of directories with stupid names/
|  |- 7abae45b-dcff-4ea2-bdc3-cc2553faff0f -> DATA/PUBLICDATA/YYYYMMDDHHMM/My special data set/More stupidly named directories/
|  |- c0873272-3e3e-41fb-a2a1-240e19cf74b4 -> DATA/PUBLICDATA/yyyymmddhhmm/
|  |- 0adec7af-36ce-45ea-93a0-38327c9111e0 -> DATA/PUBLICDATA/yyyymmddhhmm/Cruise 321/
|  |- 6753993d-be5d-412d-8ba0-28252b0cfa08 -> DATA/PUBLICDATA/yyyymmddhhmm/Cruise 321/CTD/
|  |- 8281b40d-da48-4b2b-acba-0b9c79d563ee -> DATA/PUBLICDATA/yyyymmddhhmm/Cruise 321/XBT/
|  |- e24d23f9-1ba3-4e56-afcb-a5c7152ee437 -> DATA/PUBLICDATA/yyyymmddhhmm/Cruise 321/Chlorophyll/
|  |- MANIFEST.txt           # global manifest of all files in system
|  |- MANIFEST.mdf           # } SQL database version of manifest 
|  |- MANIFEST.ldf           # }
|  |
|  |  |- metadata.xml        # metadata for accession - contains xlinks to PUBLICDATA/YYYYMMDD-UUID 
|  |
|  |- yyyymmdd-uuid/
|     |- metadata.xml        # metadata for accession - contains xlinks to PUBLICDATA/yyyymmdd-uuid 

Metadata Conventions

Intend to conform to ISO-19115-series. Note that SAN-1878, defining placenames and features specific to South Africa is in essence a sub-set of ISO-19115. Note that SAEON has been accepted (by international organizations) as the regional representative for the issuing of Digital Object Identifiers and has registered with DataCite to do this. In order for us to obtain DOIs we do so through SAEON. Once our own information management system is functional, the process will involve lodging a copy of our metadata with SAEON, who issues us a DOI for the data set and points at our servers as the responsible sourcex for the data set described by the DOI. DataCite requires a certain subset of metadata to be provided in order to issue a DOI. In addition to any other metadata that we ourselves may require we will have to provide this minimum subset in order to obtain a DOI from DataCite through SAEON for our data.

The following table is taken from SAEON document G387.3.1.1 Meta.

ID Group DataCite Required Element or Property Comment and Guidance
1 Citation M Yes Identifier (with type sub‐property) Always a DOI in this context, issued by SAEON
2 Citation M Yes Creator Several sub-properties, such as Name, ORCID reference, etc.
3 Citation M Yes Title The title of the digital object
4 Citation M Yes Publisher The publisher of the digital object
5 Citation M Yes Publication Year The year in which the digital object was published
6 Discovery R Yes(1) Subject Subject, keyword, classification code, or key phrase describing the resource. If controlled vocabularies are used, the authority can be referenced.
7 Citation R Yes Contributor Contributors that need to be acknowledged, with a set of predefined roles assocaited with the named persons or institutions.
8 Discovery R Yes Dates The date coverage of the work: applicable date range(s) for the data.
9 Re-Use O No Language Assumed English if not provided
10 Re-Use R Yes Resource Type Free text and controlled list combination describing the type of digital object
11 Re-Use O Yes Alternate Identifier The unqiue identifier (UID) issued by the depositor. This is mandatory in our context since SAEON must maintain synchronisation between DOIs and UIDs
12 Re-Use R No Related Identifier Links to other identifiers, such as handles, ISBN numbers, and so on. Recommended if it exists. Mandatory for replacement versions of the same data.
13 Re-Use O No Size Guidance for potential users.
14 Re-Use O No Format Can be free text, but a MIME type is recommended
15 Re-Use O Yes Version Version issued by depositor. In SAEON context, mandatory since SAEON must synchronise DOIs and versions.
16 Re-Use O Yes Rights Recommended that Creative Commons licenses be used.
17 Re-Use R Yes Description Any other technical information. Suggested use is for an abstract.
18 Discovery R Yes(2) GeoLocation Can be one or more point or bounding box references, using decimal Lat-Long coordinates. Mandatory if applicable to the data.

M - mandatory
R - recommended
O - optional

It is recommended by SAEON (and we should consider making it mandatory for our datasets) that standard vocabularies be used. If a standard vocabulary for your discipline does not exist, consider defining one and using it. Appropriate conventions are: the Climate and Forecast conventions (CF), ACDD, etc.


accession is a bunch of related files.
collection has no data: a superset describing a bunch of related accessions
dataset informal term - often maps to accession, not always.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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