URL health checker
usage: urlchk.py [-h] [-cm CONTENT_MATCH] [-cf CONTENT_FAIL] [-sm STATUS_MATCH] [-sf STATUS_FAIL] -u URL [-t TIMEOUT] [-v] [-k] [-r RETRIES]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-cm CONTENT_MATCH, --content-match CONTENT_MATCH
Regex to required to match in response content
-cf CONTENT_FAIL, --content-fail CONTENT_FAIL
Regex to fail if found in response content
-sm STATUS_MATCH, --status-match STATUS_MATCH
Comma delimited list of acceptable HTTP status codes
-sf STATUS_FAIL, --status-fail STATUS_FAIL
Comma delimited list of HTTP status codes to fail on
-u URL, --url URL URL of the site to check
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
Timeout in seconds (default 10)
-v, --verbose Verbose output
-k, --insecure Skip SSL verification
-r RETRIES, --retries RETRIES
Number of times to retry connection (default 2)