The BillTitleIndex repository gathers metadata about the titles of the bills in the United States Congress. This information is collected, added to a PostgreSQL database, and then used to create a searchable index and API. This API is combined with an API that identifies similar bills (aih/billtitles-py), and this combined API will be used by the BillMap project (/unitedstates/Bill Map) which provides context and associated documents for similar bills (e.g. companion bills, related bills, etc.).
This repository provides a containerized environment that scrapes bill metadata from scratch; processes and stores data to PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch; and provides an API with FastAPI/Swagger/OpenAPI to search bill titles.
The docker-compose orchestrates the following containers: * PostgreSQL database * Elasticsearch index * Celery workers * RabbitMQ message broker * Flower server * FastAPI API
Swagger is a tool to work with self-documented code. This is a great out of the box feature of FastAPI. It allows writing documentation directly in the code and shows it in the UI, testing API endpoints, describing request parameters and schemas for requests and responses.
Tool to control and monitor celery workers.
Accessible by this url http://localhost:5555
Default Login / Password: admin/root
. Can be configured by .env
Tool to query Postgres Database, monitor DB state, etc.
Accessible by this url http://localhost:5050
Default Login / Password: [email protected]/root
. Can be configured by .env
right click on
(top left corner) -
Register → Server
Then you will see:
Once the API is running, you can access it at port 8000
of the host (defined in the docker-compose).
The API routes and schemas are described with swagger.
file is found.How to download data is described here. After downloading one archive you will have to unpack it and you will see such structure of folders and files:
Where the top folder is called data
, which contains folder with digits name - which means congress number. Inside each congress you see folders [hconres
, hjres
, hr
and others].
If you want to provide more data (not for only one congress) you have to merge all downloaded data folders (r’data/\d*'
- all root folders of each data unpacked archive) into one folder data/
, so the folders structure should look like this:
Run this command to process bills information:
docker compose run api usc-run bills
Now you can run loading data into the database (PostgreSQL and replicate data to ElasticSearch) as described here.
To start all services run this command:
docker-compose up -d
This will start the docker containers, including both the scrapers for bill metadata and indexing of the titles and the FastAPI server.
If you don’t have loaded congress bills data yet - you will need to trigger tasks through Swagger UI or running this command in terminal.
There are 2 docker-compose
config files:
- is the main configuration file for docker-compose command, which should be used for deployment on the prod server -
- the main purpose of this file is to allow modifications inside the maindocker-compose.yml
file without actual changes inside it. It allows to re-define services and theirs configuration for local development needs.
Docker compose automatically apply these files if it sees that
file exists next to the main docker-compose file. -
overrides path to.env
file with.env.local
. So for local development you can change any variable in.env.local
file. -
file should be removed when it’s deploying on the prod - so docker compose will use.env
file which can be created by copying and modifying.env.local
For local development you should install such tools:
Allows to set git pre-commit hooks. Read about this great tool here
To install it run one of provided commands:
pip install pre-commit
# OR
brew install pre-commit
Before actual development started run this command in the root directory of the project. It will setup git hooks:
pre-commit install
Now you can test that it works:
pre-commit run --all-files
If you see this error it means that it modified files to follow standards (eg PEP8):
- hook id: autoflake
- files were modified by this hook
Reorder python imports...................................................Failed
- hook id: reorder-python-imports
- exit code: 1
- files were modified by this hook
And if you run pre-commit run --all-files
command again you will see that all everything passed:
Reorder python imports...................................................Passed
Usually you don’t need to run it manually. Git will trigger this tool automatically once you try to commit something.
some hooks from default set of pre-commit hooks:
check-ast - to check that code can be compiled
debug-statements - disallow debug statements in the code
Dockerfile linter hadolint
code autoformatting tools:
tool will install all these tools automatically at first run. You don’t need to install any of them.
Name | Purpose |
api |
runs FastAPI server |
celery_worker |
runs periodic tasks and background tasks to scrape data and process it |
es01 |
ElasticSearch service |
flower |
Celery workers control, monitoring and scaling (with ability to auto-scale) tool |
gp_admin |
Postgres server tool to explore data, run queries and etc. |
To configure the environment of containers there should be .env
Name | Explanation | Default value |
Generate random hash to secure django application |
changethis |
Path to the main executable fastAPI module |
billtitleindex.wsgi:app |
Flower basic authentication. Should be provided in format username:password |
admin:root |
Mount directory inside the container where congress data is stored |
Where is the bills data stored outside of the docker |
../congress/ |
Postgres server host name |
postgres |
Postgres user name |
btiadmin |
Postgres user password |
btiadmin |
DB name |
billtitle |
Postgres port |
5432 |
URI of broker host. Should be in format: |
amqp://rabbitmq:5672/ |
URI of elasticsearch host. Should be in format: |
The pipeline includes the following tasks:
- scraping-task-midnight-daily
responsible for scraping bills. This task runs these commands under the hood (one by one):
usc-run govinfo --bulkdata=BILLSTATUS
usc-run bills
- pipeline-task-everyday-4am
runs the pipeline at 4:00 AM. Gets data collected by
task, parses files and inserts records into the PostgreSQL database. Once item inserted into DB it replicates data to ElasticSearch indexes.
After deploying with docker-compose
, the tasks can be triggered manually through the API.
Scraping is triggered with a GET request to http://localhost:8000/api/scraping/
The pipeline can be manually triggered with a GET request to http://localhost:8000/api/pipeline/.
Or just by clicking a button in swagger UI:
describe in more detail what the scraper and pipeline tasks do.
Bill data is primarily collected by using unitedstates/congress, which covers 2013 to the present.
This project collects data from the official congressional XML data on legislation, which covers the 113th Congress (2013) to the present.
Docker image created from this repository already include environment, all needed libraries and has already installed unitedstates/congress.
The process using this tool has 2 parts. First, the XML data must be fetched from Govinfo. The script pulls the bill status XML and on subsequent runs only pulls new and changed files:
docker compose run api usc-run govinfo --bulkdata=BILLSTATUS
Then run the bills task to process any new and changed files:
docker compose run api usc-run bills
It’s also possible to run commands chaining them with &&
docker compose run api usc-run govinfo --bulkdata=BILLSTATUS && usc-run bills
To get the bulk data of bill status before 2013, we can use the ProPublica bulk downloads page.
Data is provided in both JSON and XML formats.
Bulk data from previous congresses can be downloaded by clicking the links below. Bulk data for congresses before and including the 112th was generated by the Sunlight Foundation. Data for congresses the 113th Congress and subsequent congresses was generated by ProPublica, using code from the [@UnitedStates GitHub organization](
For example, zip file here