Nagios/Icinga Nextcloud Security Check
Uses the API on to check your Nextclouds Security with Nagios/Icinga. For further information see Mind that this API has a rate limit, so don't run this check too frequently.
Prerequisites: Node.js
npm install -g check_nextcloud
Example: check_nextcloud -u
check_nextcloud <options>
-u, --nextcloud-url Nextcloud URL [required]
-h, --hardening-warning Number of missing Hardenings that
generate Warning [default: 2]
-c, --hardening-critical Number of missing Hardenings that
generate Critical [default: 4]
-l, --disable-latestversion-warning Don't generate Warning if not latest
Version [boolean]
-r, --requeue-minutes Requeue Scan if older than given minutes
[default: 720]
-s, --scan-age-warn Warn if Scan is older than given days
[default: 3]
-t, --scan-age-critical Critical if Scan is older than given days
[default: 5]
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
Nagios Command Definition Example:
define command {
command_name check_nextcloud
command_line /usr/local/bin/check_nextcloud -u $ARG1$
Nagios Service Definition Example:
define service {
use generic-service
host_name example
service_description Nextcloud Security
check_command check_nextcloud!
Inspired by
MIT (c) Sebastian Raff