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API Connect 2018 on Minikube

This document will take in hand in hand to deploy API Connect v2018.4.1.1 locally on your laptop using Minikube. This is still work in progress and I haven't written the prereqs part yet (As most of my colleagues are familiar with it).

Installing Prerequisites //TODO:

  • Install docker
  • Install kubectl
  • Install helm
  • Install minikube
  • Download IBM resources
    • Download images
    • Download toolkit
    • Download apicup

Create local docker registry //TODO: Added the registry to my /etc/hosts file as "registry.apic.lab" and it points to the virtualbox interface address.

Upload APIC images to the registry //TODO:

Download the .tgz files and push the images to the docker registry using apicup

Create a Minikube machine

This configuration allows the deployment of Management, Portal and Gateway. Analytics requires more memory (6GB more)

minikube start --cpus 8 --memory 24576 --insecure-registry registry.apic.lab:5000 --disk-size=100GB

Once Minikube is ready, let's get its IP:

minikube ip

We need to create "DNS records" but instead of using a DNS server we can use the host's /etc/hosts file instead.

sudo vi /etc/hosts

And add the following records to your hosts file (Replace '' with your Minikube's IP): platform-api.apic.lab api-manager-ui.apic.lab cloud-admin-ui.apic.lab consumer-api.apic.lab api-gateway.apic.lab portal-admin.apic.lab portal-www.apic.lab analytics-ingestion.apic.lab analytics-client.apic.lab

Now we need to do some basic configuration on our Minikube, let's start by creating a namespace:

kubectl create namespace apiconnect

Now we need to create a secret for our Docker Registry which we created before:

kubectl create secret docker-registry registry-secret --docker-server=registry.apic.lab:5000 --docker-username=admin --docker-password=password [email protected] -n apiconnect

Create cluster role binding (Authorization record which allows us to deploy stuff to our namespace): kubectl create clusterrolebinding add-on-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=apiconnect:default

apicup uses helm charts under the hood. For Helm to deploy we need to initialize it (Creating a tiller pod on our namespace).

export TILLER_NAMESPACE=apiconnect
helm init --upgrade

Wait for tiller to come online. You can check its status using: watch kubectl get pod -n apiconnect

The output will be similar to this:

NAME                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
tiller-deploy-6bfd959c48-hgr7f   1/1       Running   0          52s

Now we will deploy nginx which will serve us as our cluster's load balancer:

helm install --name ingress -f nginx-values.yml  stable/nginx-ingress --namespace apiconnect

Wait for nginx to come online

watch kubectl get pod -n apiconnect

The output will be similar to this:

NAME                                                     READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ingress-nginx-ingress-controller-d9xvz                   1/1       Running   0          25s
ingress-nginx-ingress-default-backend-845f7f5785-mbx8p   1/1       Running   0          25s

Now we are ready to install API Connect 2018 on our Minikube!

API Connect 2018 Installation

We start by creating a new directory and initializing our apic project there:

mkdir apic-lab
cd apic-lab
apicup init

Creating the management subsystem

The following are suggested defaults. If you were following my naming convention so far then just copy and paste it as is:

apicup subsys create manager management --k8s
apicup subsys set manager platform-api platform-api.apic.lab
apicup subsys set manager api-manager-ui api-manager-ui.apic.lab
apicup subsys set manager cloud-admin-ui cloud-admin-ui.apic.lab
apicup subsys set manager consumer-api consumer-api.apic.lab
apicup subsys set manager registry registry.apic.lab:5000
apicup subsys set manager registry-secret registry-secret
apicup subsys set manager mode dev
apicup subsys set manager namespace apiconnect
apicup subsys set manager storage-class standard

Deploy the subsystem using:

apicup subsys install manager

Creating the gateway subsystem

The following are suggested defaults. If you were following my naming convention so far then just copy and paste it as is (Deploying non-compatible v5 gateway):

apicup subsys create gwy gateway --k8s
apicup subsys set gwy api-gateway api-gateway.apic.lab
apicup subsys set gwy apic-gw-service apic-gw-service.apic.lab
apicup subsys set gwy namespace apiconnect
apicup subsys set gwy image-repository ibmcom/datapower
apicup subsys set gwy image-tag 2018.
apicup subsys set gwy image-pull-policy IfNotPresent
apicup subsys set gwy replica-count 1
apicup subsys set gwy storage-class standard
apicup subsys set gwy v5-compatibility-mode false
apicup subsys set gwy enable-tms true
apicup subsys set gwy mode dev
apicup subsys set gwy max-cpu 4

Deploy the subsystem using:

apicup subsys install gwy

Once you are done, find the ClusterIP of the gateway service and add it to your /etc/hosts file:

kubectl get svc -n apiconnect | grep dynamic-gateway-service-ingress

You'll see output similar to this:

r554d996560-dynamic-gateway-service-ingress   ClusterIP   <none>        3000/TCP,9443/TCP                              1h

Copy the ClusterIP and create the following record in your /etc/hosts: apic-gw-service.apic.lab

Creating the portal subsystem

The following are suggested defaults. If you were following my naming convention so far then just copy and paste it as is:

apicup subsys create ptl portal --k8s
apicup subsys set ptl portal-admin portal-admin.apic.lab
apicup subsys set ptl portal-www portal-www.apic.lab
apicup subsys set ptl namespace apiconnect
apicup subsys set ptl storage-class standard
apicup subsys set ptl registry registry.apic.lab:5000
apicup subsys set ptl registry-secret registry-secret
apicup subsys set ptl mode dev

Deploy the subsystem using:

apicup subsys install ptl

Creating the analytics subsystem

Only if you created a Minikube machine with 30GB Memory. Otherwise, the pods won't start. The following are suggested defaults. If you were following my naming convention so far then just copy and paste it as is:

apicup subsys create analyt analytics --k8s
apicup subsys set analyt analytics-ingestion analytics-ingestion.apic.lab
apicup subsys set analyt analytics-client analytics-client.apic.lab
apicup subsys set analyt namespace apiconnect
apicup subsys set analyt registry registry.apic.lab:5000
apicup subsys set analyt registry-secret registry-secret
apicup subsys set analyt storage-class standard
apicup subsys set analyt mode dev
apicup subsys set analyt coordinating-max-memory-gb 6
apicup subsys set analyt data-max-memory-gb 6
apicup subsys set analyt master-max-memory-gb 6

Deploy the subsystem using:

apicup subsys install analyt



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