This is a BDD framework build on top of behave
Project uses Gherkin format
Project structure
├── AllureReports - For reporting
├── requirements.txt - Contain all dependancies
├── features - BDD framework files
| ├── - BDD Hooks
| ├── steps - BDD steps for the tests
| └── tests - BDD features [test cases] included here
├── resources
| ├── - Contains api sub enpoints
| ├── - Uses for dyanamic pay load generations
| └── properties.ini - Test properties such as endpoints tokens
├── utils
| ├── - Accessing properties file
| ├── - All api related functions resides here
Install python latest version
Use an editor that supports gherkin feature file.Use pycharm enteprise edition.
python --version
Project set up
Clone the project from the repo
Open the project from the editor pycharm enterprise edition
Go to terminal and install all required dependencies using requirements.txt
Most of the time pycharm will install the dependencies automatically
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open the properties.ini file and provide your git user id,you can pass the token via command line or include in properties.ini file
if you already python installed select or create new virtual environment freshly install all dependencies
More about virtual env
For api requests used
For behave
For reporting used allure report
- To execute the tests on GistsBasicApi.feature provide your username in feature file
- Execute all the test cases:
- navigate to project root folder
- Generate your token from git
- Parametrize the token command
behave features/tests/*.feature --no-capture -D token=<token>
You can provide the token in the properties.ini file
If you are providing in properties file you can use the following command
behave features/tests/*.feature --no-capture
- Execute the test cases by specific file name :
behave features/tests/GistsApiE2E.feature --no-capture -D token=<token>
behave features/tests/GistsBasicApi.feature --no-capture -D token=<token>
- Execute the test using behave scenario tags
behave features/tests/*.feature --no-capture -D token=<token> --tags=smoke
behave features/tests/GistsBasicApi.feature --no-capture -D token=<token> --tags=smoke
- Generating the allure report for your execution:
- install allure_behave for reporting purpose,allready included in requirments.txt
pip install allure-behave
- Execute the below command it will generate the folder called AllureReport in the root of your project, You can have any folder name.
- This will generate few json files in the folder.
behave features/tests/GistsBasicApi.feature --no-capture -D token=ghp_FLh3Fx0jFIY6p5Fo2B241gFJQnPdhDC3PfG7c -f allure_behave.formatter:AllureFormatter -o AllureReports
- For generating the report using the json install the following
brew install allure || npm install -g allure-commandline
allure --version
- Let's generate the html report, navigate the allure report folder and execute
- for more details
mac : allure serve AllureReports