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v88.0-1.1.0 - Darling

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@Unthrottled Unthrottled released this 05 Aug 10:40
· 13 commits to master since this release

Best Girl just got better. ❤️

Best Girl

Zero Two's Not Just A Cutie. ;)

4 New Themes!

  • I decided that I didn't have enough Zero Two themes, so I fixed that. She now has a new top-tier dark hacker theme: Obsidian. I also felt like Red Zero Two doesn't get enough attention, so I added a light Sakura theme which features her as she was as a child. With all these new Zero Two themes, I thought it would be best to rename the existing dark & light themes to Rose & Lily respectively.
  • It wouldn't be the Darling release if I didn't include Hiro as well. (Dark Theme)
  • Lastly, this is the first release with a duo theme! (Nao's doesn't count, I just wanted the melon meme.) Just to pad my Zero Two theme stats, I've now got a Hiro & Zero Two couples' dark theme.

Other Stuff

  • Desaturated Itsuki's theme a bit.
__________                    ___________                  
\____    /___________  ____   \__    ___/_  _  ______      
  /     // __ \_  __ \/  _ \    |    |  \ \/ \/ /  _ \     
 /     /\  ___/|  | \(  <_> )   |    |   \     (  <_> )    
/_______ \___  >__|   \____/    |____|    \/\_/ \____/     
        \/   \/                                            
__________                 __      ________.__       .__   
\______   \ ____   _______/  |_   /  _____/|__|______|  |  
 |    |  _// __ \ /  ___/\   __\ /   \  ___|  \_  __ \  |  
 |    |   \  ___/ \___ \  |  |   \    \_\  \  ||  | \/  |__
 |______  /\___  >____  > |__|    \______  /__||__|  |____/
        \/     \/     \/                 \/                


Screen Shot 2022-08-05 at 5 26 19 AM

Screen Shot 2022-08-05 at 5 26 59 AM

Hiro x Zero Two
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