Please complete the following programming exercise.
To keep thing simple we use The Angular CLI (command-line interface tool)
npm install -g @angular/cli
and then in project directory use
npm install
ng serve
In your browser, open http://localhost:4200/
You have been provided with an sample HTML in textarea. Your task is to:
- Detect html tags with placeholders prefixed with "#placeholder_"
<div #placeholder_first_name></div>
- When user presses "Parse template" button, form with input fields parsed from that HTML should be displayed For example if template contains:
<div #placeholder_first_name></div>
<div #placeholder_last_name></div>
- Form with two input fields should be displayed:
first_name last_name
- When user fills the form with values and presses "Display result" button, html code with injected form values should be displayed:
For example if users fills form with
first_name: Alex last_name: Jones
The result displayed should be:
<div #placeholder_first_name><ng-container>Alex</ng-container></div>
<div #placeholder_last_name><ng-container>Jones</ng-container></div>
User can change HTML and add more div's with placeholders like:
<div #placeholder_first_name></div>
<div #placeholder_last_name></div>
<div #placeholder_age></div>
<div #placeholder_address></div>
so the form should be dynamic and support a many field as many placeholders you have in your HTML!
This task is optional
When user navigates to page 'Task 2' by clicking on the link 'Task2' Task2 angular component should use result HTML from the Task 1 as the component template.
For example result:
<div #placeholder_first_name><ng-container>Alex</ng-container></div>
<div #placeholder_last_name><ng-container>Jones</ng-container></div>
Should ne rendered and displayed as
Alex Jones