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feat: finding best parameters for SE Kernel
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mariajmellado committed Apr 25, 2024
1 parent 535c63a commit b654a2a
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Showing 3 changed files with 149 additions and 3 deletions.
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions frank/fitExample/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
import frank
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from frank.geometry import SourceGeometry
from frank.radial_fitters import FrankFitter, FourierBesselFitter

# Huang 2018
inc = 34.97
pa = 85.76
dra = 1.9e-3
ddec = -2.5e-3
r_out = 1.9

# Frank Parameters
n_pts = 300
alpha = 1.3
w_smooth = 1e-1

# UVtable AS209 at 1mm with removed visibilities between .
dir = "./"
data_file = dir + 'AS209_continuum_prom_1chan_30s_keepflagsFalse_removed1.txt'

# Loading data
u, v, Re, Im, Weights = np.loadtxt(data_file, unpack = True, skiprows = 1)
vis = Re + Im*1j

geom = SourceGeometry(inc= inc, PA= pa, dRA= dra, dDec= ddec)

" Fitting with frank "
#FF = FrankFitter(r_out, n_pts, geom, alpha = alpha, weights_smooth = w_smooth)
FF = FourierBesselFitter(r_out, n_pts, geom)
sol =, v, vis, Weights)
#setattr(sol, 'positive', sol.solve_non_negative())

fig = plt.figure(num = 1, figsize = (10, 5))
plt.plot(sol.r, sol.mean / 1e10)
plt.xlabel('Radius ["]', size = 15)
plt.ylabel(r'Brightness profile [$10^{10}$ Jy sr$^{-1}$]', size = 15)
plt.title('Frank Fit AS209 1mm', size = 15)
plt.xlim(0, 1.3)
#plt.savefig('FrankFit_AS209_1mm.jpg', bbox_inches='tight')
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion frank/
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Expand Up @@ -510,6 +510,8 @@ def _build_matrices(self, mapping):

self._M = mapping['M']
self._j = mapping['j']
self._V = mapping['V']
self._Wvalues = mapping['W']

self._H0 = mapping['null_likelihood']

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -574,7 +576,8 @@ def fit(self, u, v, V, weights=1):
def _fit(self):
"""Fit step. Computes the best fit given the pre-processed data"""
fit = GaussianModel(self._DHT, self._M, self._j,
Wvalues= self._Wvalues, V = self._V)

self._sol = FrankGaussianFit(self._vis_map, fit, self._info,
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103 changes: 101 additions & 2 deletions frank/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -234,6 +234,8 @@ def map_visibilities(self, u, v, V, weights, frequencies=None, geometry=None):
'j' : js[0],
'null_likelihood' : H0,
'hash' : [False, self._DHT, geometry, self._vis_model, self._scale_height],
'V' : Vs,
'W' : ws,

def check_hash(self, hash, multi_freq=False, geometry=None):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -628,9 +630,12 @@ class GaussianModel:

def __init__(self, DHT, M, j, p=None, scale=None, guess=None,
Nfields=None, noise_likelihood=0):
Nfields=None, noise_likelihood=0,
Wvalues = None, V = None):

self._DHT = DHT
self._Wvalues = Wvalues
self._V = V

# Correct shape of design matrix etc.
if len(M.shape) == 2:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -687,7 +692,19 @@ def __init__(self, DHT, M, j, p=None, scale=None, guess=None,

self._Sinv[sn:en, sn:en] += Sj[n]
self._Sinv = None
#self._Sinv = None
q_array = self._DHT.q

def true_squared_exponential_kernel(q, p, l):

q1, q2 = np.meshgrid(q, q)
p1, p2 = np.meshgrid(p, p)
SE_Kernel = np.sqrt(p1 * p2) * np.exp(-0.5*(q1-q2)**2 / l**2)
return SE_Kernel

Ykm = self._DHT.coefficients(direction="backward")
# We continue after set M matrix because is needed to calculate
# best parameters for S matrix.

# Compute the design matrix
self._M = np.zeros([Nr*Nfields, Nr*Nfields], dtype='f8')
Expand All @@ -707,7 +724,89 @@ def __init__(self, DHT, M, j, p=None, scale=None, guess=None,

self._like_noise = noise_likelihood

# M is already defined, so we find best parameters for S matrix and use it.
m, c , l = self.minimizeS()
pI = np.exp(m*np.log(q_array) + c)
S_fspace = true_squared_exponential_kernel(q_array, pI, l)
S_real =,, Ykm))
S_real_inv = np.linalg.inv(S_real)
self._Sinv = S_real_inv


def minimizeS(self):
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.special import gamma
V = self._V

def calculate_S(m, c, l):
q_array = self._DHT.q
p_array = c*(q_array**m)
def true_squared_exponential_kernel(q, p, l):
q1, q2 = np.meshgrid(q, q)
p1, p2 = np.meshgrid(p, p)
SE_Kernel = np.sqrt(p1 * p2) * np.exp(-0.5*(q1-q2)**2 / l**2)
return SE_Kernel

Ykm = self._DHT.coefficients(direction="backward")
S_fspace = true_squared_exponential_kernel(q_array, p_array, l)
S_real =,, Ykm))
return S_real

def calculate_D(S):
S_real_inv = np.linalg.inv(S)
Dinv = self._M + S_real_inv
D = np.linalg.inv(Dinv)
return [Dinv, D]

def calculate_mu(Dinv):
Dchol = scipy.linalg.cho_factor(Dinv)
mu = scipy.linalg.cho_solve(Dchol, self._j)

except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
U, s, V = scipy.linalg.svd(Dinv, full_matrices=False)
s1 = np.where(s > 0, 1. / s, 0)
mu =, np.multiply(, self._j), s1))
return mu

def likelihood(param, data):
m, c, l = param
Wvalues = self._Wvalues
N = np.diag(1/Wvalues)

alpha = 1.3
l0 = 1e7

# Create an Inverse Gamma distribution function
def inv_gamma_function(l, alpha, beta):
return ((gamma(alpha)*beta)**(-1))*((beta/l)**(alpha + 1))*np.exp(-beta/l)

S = calculate_S(m,c, l)
[Dinv, D] = calculate_D(S)
mu = calculate_mu(Dinv)
logdetS = np.linalg.slogdet(S)[1]
logdetD = np.linalg.slogdet(D)[1]
logdetN = np.linalg.slogdet(N)[1]
factor = np.log(2*np.pi)

log_likelihood = 2*np.log(np.abs((1/m)*(1/c))) \
+ 2*np.log(inv_gamma_function(l, alpha, l0)) \
- 0.5*(factor + logdetN) \
- 0.5*(factor + logdetS) \
+ 0.5*(factor + logdetD) \
+ 0.5*, mu) \
- 0.5*,, data))
return -log_likelihood

result = minimize(likelihood, x0=np.array([-5, 60, 1e5]), args=(V,),
bounds=[(-6, 6), (1, 70), (1e4, 1e6)],
method="Nelder-Mead", tol=1e-7,
m, c, l = result.x
print("Result: ", "m: ", m, "c: ", c, "l: ", "{:e}".format(l))
return [m, c, l]

def _fit(self):
"""Compute the mean and variance"""
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