Developed by @Multifactored, @dionearle, @sarahilwil, @RohailAbdullah and @AlexPointer at the University of New South Wales.
This site is to show a list of indexed films to users for them to get new movies to watch. It has a range of features including:
- Wishlists
- Displaying the details of films, directors and actors
- Recommendations of Movies
- Reviews
- Groups
- Administration Functions
The development of the project completed on the 16th of November, 2020.
- Open a terminal window and navigate into the project folder.
- Run the command
npm install
to install the backend dependencies. - Open a separate terminal window and cd into the ‘/client’ directory from the project folder.
- In this second terminal window run the command
npm install
to install the frontend dependencies.
- Run
npm start
in the first terminal window to start the backend server. - Run
npm start
in the second terminal window to start the frontend website. - Open http://localhost:4200 in a browser to access the site.
- Wisley Chau : [email protected]
/api - Contains our backend API, routing etc (express)
- /api/config: Contains config files for the API
- /api/controllers: the controllers that are called when a new route is accessed, doing stuff like interacting with the database
- /api/models: interacting with database, contains definitions for users etc for MongoDB.
- /api/routes: maintains how backend links/routing works, and each route connects to a controller in the controllers folder.
/client - the angular frontend
- /client/src: contains styles.css, our main css file
- /client/src/app: where code goes for frontend, angular.js. Everything is separated into components.
- the .ts files contains js for connecting the frontend to the backend, and the html can use stuff defined in them
- pretty sure bootstrap is in here
Given example for the component files:
- To setup a page 'search' for example, we need search.component.html, search.component.ts and maybe search.component.css if you needed local styling.
/routes - Contains the routing.
app.js - This is where the back end is setup running Express and node.js. Shouldn't really have to change this much.