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Gonna look into this tomorrow.
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WilliamDue committed Nov 28, 2024
1 parent ffe234d commit b8e37ec
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Showing 2 changed files with 69 additions and 61 deletions.
103 changes: 43 additions & 60 deletions src/Alpacc/Lexer/DFA.hs
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Expand Up @@ -35,62 +35,39 @@ transitions' = fmap runIdentity . transitions
addIdentity :: (Ord s, Ord t) => Map (s, t) s -> Map (s, t) (Identity s)
addIdentity = fmap Identity

stateTransitions :: (Ord s, Ord t) => Transition t -> s -> State (NFA t s) (Set s)
stateTransitions c s = do
nfa <- get
let trans = transitions nfa
let eps_map = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> isSymbolTransition k) trans
return . Set.unions $ toList eps_map
isSymbolTransition (s', c') = s == s' && c == c'

epsilonTransitions :: (Ord s, Ord t) => s -> State (NFA t s) (Set s)
epsilonTransitions = stateTransitions Eps

statesTransitions :: (Ord s, Ord t) => Set s -> Transition t -> State (NFA t s) (Set s)
statesTransitions set c = Set.unions <$> mapM (stateTransitions c) (toList set)

epsilonClosure :: (Ord s, Ord t) => Set s -> State (NFA t s) (Set s)
epsilonClosure set = do
new_set <- Set.unions <$> mapM epsilonTransitions (toList set)
let set' = new_set `Set.union` set
if set == set'
then return set'
else epsilonClosure set'

mkDFATransitionEntry ::
dfaTransitionEntry ::
(Ord s, Ord t) =>
Set s ->
t ->
State (NFA t s) (Map (Set s, t) (Set s))
mkDFATransitionEntry set t = do
dfaTransitionEntry set t = do
_states <- statesTransitions set $ Trans t
eps_states <- epsilonClosure _states
return $ Map.singleton (set, t) eps_states
pure $ Map.singleton (set, t) eps_states

mkDFATransitionEntries ::
dfaTransitionEntries ::
(Ord s, Ord t) =>
Set s ->
State (NFA t s) (Map (Set s, t) (Set s))
mkDFATransitionEntries set = do
dfaTransitionEntries set = do
alph <- gets (fmap fromTransition . toList . alphabet)
new_table_entry <- mapM (mkDFATransitionEntry set) alph
return $ Map.unionsWith Set.union new_table_entry
new_table_entry <- mapM (dfaTransitionEntry set) alph
pure $ Map.unionsWith Set.union new_table_entry

mkDFATransitions ::
dfaTransitions ::
(Ord s, Ord t) =>
Set (Set s) ->
Map (Set s, t) (Set s) ->
[Set s] ->
State (NFA t s) (Map (Set s, t) (Set s))
mkDFATransitions _ table [] = return table
mkDFATransitions visited table (top : queue) = do
entries <- mkDFATransitionEntries top
dfaTransitions _ table [] = pure table
dfaTransitions visited table (top : queue) = do
entries <- dfaTransitionEntries top
let new_visited = Set.insert top visited
let rest = Map.elems entries
let new_queue = filter (`Set.notMember` new_visited) $ queue ++ rest
let new_table = Map.unionWith Set.union entries table
mkDFATransitions new_visited new_table new_queue
dfaTransitions new_visited new_table new_queue

dfaFilter :: Ord s => (s -> Bool) -> DFA t s -> DFA t s
dfaFilter p dfa =
Expand All @@ -107,34 +84,40 @@ dfaFilter p dfa =
then initial dfa
else error "Can not filter states since the initial state is removed."

emptyDFA :: DFA t (Set s)
emptyDFA =
{ states = Set.singleton Set.empty,
alphabet = Set.empty,
transitions = Map.empty,
initial = Set.empty,
accepting = Set.empty

fromNFAtoDFAState :: (Ord s, Ord t) => State (NFA t s) (DFA t (Set s))
fromNFAtoDFAState = do
nfa <- get
new_initial <- epsilonClosure . Set.singleton $ initial nfa
new_transitions' <- mkDFATransitions Set.empty Map.empty [new_initial]
new_transitions' <- dfaTransitions Set.empty Map.empty [new_initial]
let new_transitions = addIdentity new_transitions'
let accept = accepting nfa
let (new_states, new_alphabet) = bimap Set.fromList Set.fromList . unzip $ Map.keys new_transitions'
let (new_states, new_alphabet) =
bimap Set.fromList Set.fromList
$ unzip
$ Map.keys new_transitions'
let new_accepting = newStates new_states accept
return $
removeUselessStates $
if null new_transitions
{ states = Set.singleton Set.empty,
alphabet = Set.empty,
transitions = new_transitions,
initial = Set.empty,
accepting = Set.singleton Set.empty
{ states = new_states,
alphabet = new_alphabet,
transitions = new_transitions,
initial = new_initial,
accepting = new_accepting
pure $
if null new_transitions then
{ states = new_states,
alphabet = new_alphabet,
transitions = new_transitions,
initial = new_initial,
accepting = new_accepting
newStates new_states' set = Set.filter (any (`Set.member` set)) new_states'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,8 +171,8 @@ removeUselessStates dfa = dfaFilter (`Set.member` useful_states) dfa
useful_states = fixedPointIterate (/=) usefulStates initial_useful

-- |
mkDFATotal :: (Ord s, Ord t, Enum s) => DFA t s -> (DFA t s, Maybe s)
mkDFATotal dfa'
dfaTotal :: (Ord s, Ord t, Enum s) => DFA t s -> (DFA t s, Maybe s)
dfaTotal dfa'
| null $ states dfa' = (dfa', Nothing)
| otherwise = (new_dfa, Just dead_state)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,7 +201,7 @@ minimize dfa' = removeUselessStates new_dfa
new_dfa = fsaSecond (state_map Map.!) dfa

dfa = fst $ mkDFATotal dfa'
dfa = fst $ dfaTotal dfa'
states_list = toList $ states dfa
alphabet_list = toList (alphabet dfa)
_transitions = transitions' dfa
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,7 +270,7 @@ tokenProducingTransitions dfa = new_transitions
| (q, t) `Map.member` _transitions = Nothing
| otherwise = do
q' <- Map.lookup (_initial, t) _transitions
return ((q, t), q')
pure ((q, t), q')

addProducingTransitions ::
(Ord s, Ord t) =>
Expand Down
27 changes: 26 additions & 1 deletion src/Alpacc/Lexer/NFA.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ module Alpacc.Lexer.NFA
Transition (..),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,3 +117,26 @@ fromRegExToNFA :: (Ord s, Ord t, Enum s) => s -> RegEx (NonEmpty t) -> NFA t s
fromRegExToNFA start_state regex = execState (regExToNFA regex) init_nfa
init_nfa = initNFA start_state

stateTransitions :: (Ord s, Ord t) => Transition t -> s -> State (NFA t s) (Set s)
stateTransitions c s = do
nfa <- get
let trans = transitions nfa
let eps_map = Map.filterWithKey (\k _ -> isSymbolTransition k) trans
pure . Set.unions $ toList eps_map
isSymbolTransition (s', c') = s == s' && c == c'

epsilonTransitions :: (Ord s, Ord t) => s -> State (NFA t s) (Set s)
epsilonTransitions = stateTransitions Eps

statesTransitions :: (Ord s, Ord t) => Set s -> Transition t -> State (NFA t s) (Set s)
statesTransitions set c = Set.unions <$> mapM (stateTransitions c) (toList set)

epsilonClosure :: (Ord s, Ord t) => Set s -> State (NFA t s) (Set s)
epsilonClosure set = do
new_set <- Set.unions <$> mapM epsilonTransitions (toList set)
let set' = new_set `Set.union` set
if set == set'
then pure set'
else epsilonClosure set'

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