The supabase-js package allows us to connect to our Supabase project, and easily query and mutate data. In this lesson, we install supabase-js
, set up environment variables for SUPABASE_URL
, and create a Supabase client to use across our application.
Additionally, we look at writing an RLS policy to enable read
access to our messages
table, use our Supabase client to select all messages, and display them in our Remix app on load.
Install supabase-js
npm i @supabase/supabase-js
Use a Loader function to fetch data
export const loader = async () => {
return null;
Fetch data with Supabase Client
const { data } = await supabase.from("messages").select();
Full component
import { useLoaderData } from "@remix-run/react";
import supabase from "utils/supabase";
export const loader = async ({}) => {
const { data } = await supabase.from("messages").select();
return { data };
export default function Index() {
const { data } = useLoaderData();
return <pre>{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>;
Enable read access with RLS policy
create policy "users can read messages" ON "public"."messages"
as permissive for select
to public
using (true);
SQL code snippets can be run against your Supabase database by heading over to your project's SQL Editor, pasting them into a new query, and clicking
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