This is an example maven project that consist of a Jenkinsfile that uses the pom.xml file to build the project. The mavn project is an implementation of an implementation of Selection Sort with couple of junit test to verify the sort implementation.
The important file in this project is the Jenkinsfile which will be used by the Jenkins CI/CD tool to run the stages specified in the file and provide reults showing a progress bar for each Build.
The below is the implemenatation of the Jenkinsfile explained step-by-step.
pipeline {
agent any
tools {
maven 'Maven_3_5_2'
stages {
stage ('Compile Stage') {
steps {
sh 'mvn clean compile'
stage ('Testing Stage') {
steps {
sh 'mvn test'
stage ('Deploy Stage') {
steps {
sh 'mvn deploy'
- pipleline: Declaring the pipeline
- agent: This is a start point of the pipleline (similar to main function in java)
- Stages: It is consiste of multiple build stage which can be comined together
- Stage: Thie stage can consist of steps that contains command for execution
- Steps: Contains more than one steps to execute.
Below are the two added sections in the pom.xml file for the Jenkins to poll read the poll the project and build the SNAPSHOT that was created and uploaded along with the metadata.xml. I have used the which allows you to create an endpoint to for the to delpoy the SNAPSHOT and metadata. Edit: Add your 'Read-Key' and 'Write-Key' below:
NOTE about pom.xml: If you do use please make sure that you enable HTTP AUTH because you don't want to keep the endpoint open and wake up to multiple request and used to store data by other users.
Since this is a maven project and to run the 'mvn' command I first had to specify in the MAVEN_HOME in Global Tool Configuration which is refrenced by 'Maven_3_5_2'. Simar to maven you will also need to add 'JDK' is installed using 'JAVA_HOME'. If you are on Windows insted of 'sh' you will have o run the batch command to work will be 'bat'