A Virtual Machine and an assembler that converts code written in ALSI
, an
assembly-like language to bytecode the VM can execute.
- Build
# clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/AnurupDey/alsi.git
# generate build files
cd alsi
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
# run the build (here we use make on linux)
- Run the program
# Run one of the examples
Some example programs can be found in example_programs
Here is an example of assembling and running the recursive factorial program.
$ ./alsi
Main Menu
1. Assemble file to bytecode
2. Execute bytecode
3. Assemble and execute
0. Exit
Enter choice 1
Enter source file name: ../example_programs/FactorialRec.txt
Enter bytecode file name: prog
Assemblage complete
Main Menu
1. Assemble file to bytecode
2. Execute bytecode
3. Assemble and execute
0. Exit
Enter choice 2
Enter bytecode file name: prog
Enter a number: 5
The Factorial of 5 is 120
Instructions Executed: 57
Main Menu
1. Assemble file to bytecode
2. Execute bytecode
3. Assemble and execute
0. Exit
Enter choice 0
Refer to the examples to learn how to write ALSI
code. ALSI
is an
assembly language. Refer to headers/opcodes.hpp
for a list and description
of all the supported opcodes.