This docker image provides a local spark installation with zeppelin and a running spark-history-server. It is uploaded in dockerhub in a public repository.
I use it to evaluate independently spark code in a more convenient way then a spark-shell.
- Spark version="2.4.3"
- Zeppelin version="0.8.1"
- Hadoop version="2.7"
docker run -it -p 18080:18080 -p 8088:8080 -d mirkoprescha/spark-zeppelin-docker
In your local browser
- Zeppelin: http://localhost:8088/#/
- Spark History Server: http://localhost:18080/?showIncomplete=true
Probably, you have to wait roughly 10 second until zeppelin daemon has been started, right after starting the container.
Start another shell session and copy the jar-file into the docker container. Following command copies it into your latest started container.
docker cp <your-jar-file.jar> $(docker ps -l -q):/work/
Go back to container session. You should be connected as root in the docker container:
cd /work
spark-submit --class <your-class-name-with-package> \
<your-jar-file.jar> \
After changes in Dockerfile
goto project home dir and run
docker build -t mirkoprescha/spark-zeppelin-docker .
This repo is connected to an automated build in docker hub, so the following no push to docker hub is not required.
docker push mirkoprescha/spark-zeppelin-docker
docker start CONTAINER_ID
docker attach CONTAINER_ID
add - d