A (not yet) full-featured implementation of the AutoDNS-XML-API.
I checked all Repos on github where the API is imlemented. There are many, but most are abanded. So i decided to clone from rhurling/autodns-api (forked from tillkahlbrock/autodns-api).
My personal goal is to fully implement all features of the xml-api.
- No need to build / parse XML for the user
- Easy request building even for complex queries
- Consistent and simple interface
use Autodns\Api\Account\Info;
use Autodns\Api\Client\Factory;
$accountInfo = new Info(
$client = Factory::create($accountInfo);
use Autodns\Api\Client\Request\Task\Query;
use Autodns\Api\Client\Request\TaskBuilder\DomainInquireList;
$query = new Query();
$query = $query->addOr(
array('name', 'like', '*.at'),
array('created', 'lt', '2012-12-*')
array('name', 'like', '*.de')
$task = new DomainInquireList();
$task->withView(array('offset' => 0, 'limit' => 20, 'children' => 0))
->withKeys(array('created', 'payable'))
$response = $client->call($task)
$response->isSuccessful(); // -> true
$response->getStatusCode(); // -> "S12345"
$response->getStatusType(); // -> "success"
- Add some error handling
Make selection of tasks less error prone. By now it is:TaskBuilder::build('DomainListInquiry')
- Domain Create (0101)
- Domain Update (0102)
- Domain Renew (0101003)
- Domain Ownerchange (0104010)
- Domain Delete (0103)
Domain Inquire (0105)Domain Inquire List (0105)- Domain Status (0102002)
- Domain Status List (0102002)
- Cancelation Create (0103101)
- Cancelation Update (0103102)
- Cancelation Delete (0103103)
- Cancelation Delete (0103103)
- Cancelation Inquire (0103104)
- Cancelation Inquire List (0103104)
- Domain Transfer In (0104)
- Domain Transfer Out (0106002)
- Domain Transfer Out Inquire (0106002)
- Domain Status (0102002)
- Domain Status List (0102002)
- AuthInfo 1 Create (0113001)
- AuthInfo 1 Delete (0113002)
- AuthInfo 2 Create (0113003)
- IRTP Inquire (0114001)
- IRTP Restart (0114002)
- Domain Prereg Create (0110001)
- Domain Prereg Update (0110002)
- Domain Prereg Delete (0110003)
- Domain Prereg Inquire (0110005)
- Domain Backorder Create (0141)
- Domain Backorder Delete (0143)
- Domain Backorder Inquire List (0146)
- Domain Backorder User Inquire List (0145)
- Zone Create (0201)
- Zone Update (0202)
- Zone Import (0204)
- Zone Delete (0203)
- Zone Inquire (0205)
Handle Create (0301)Handle Update (0302)Handle Delete (0303)Handle Inquire (0304)
- Redirect Create (0501)
- Redirect Update (0502)
- Redirect Delete (0503)
- Redirect Inquire (0504)
- User Create (1301001)
- User Update (1301002)
- User Inquire (1301004)
- User Profile Update (1301014)
- Object User Assignment (1308)
- Spool Inquire (0710)
- History Inquire (0713)