Node based server for Torque mobile application
Project was developed as course project for Ročníkový projekt(1). Project is a web application for gathering data from Torque Android app(Google Play).
Application exposes API link for Torque to report data through HTTP GET messages with queries from choosen sensors. After accepting message application resonds with "OK!" which is required by the Torque. The working reporting link is at the time for Ročníkový projekt(1) sumbition here: By matching queries to torque keys application creates log which is consequently stored in MongoDB database. This logs can be used for data analytics and visualization.
In Torque app settings under 'Data Logging & Upload' select what data do you wish to report. Then in Webserver URL set it to point to Fill an email and lookout for spaces as they will break HTTP GET query.( Own experience :) ). To start reporting go to main dashboard screen and in options choose "Start Logging" which will start sending data to the server.
On this link working application can be found. The last reported data is displayed by websockets.
Make this app a npm.js module.